iDiet[a weight loss story]
*kathrynoh at nemesis dot com dot au* |
::5.4.07:: More Stuff I had to rush my post yesterday so didn't get to say all I had to say. One of the things I'm finding hard about looking for work now is that it's been so long that I have a 6 month gap on my resume that I have to explain. When it's only a few months, you can say you've been having a break but 6 months is much harder. I've been saying that I had to look after my sister because she's been sick. It's true even though most of the looking after is telling her to do things herself. Sometimes that's the hardest thing of all. She had to go to an appointment the other day - one of the local hospitals has a Chronic Fatigue clinic to help people learn to deal with the condition. The trouble is the hospital is nowhere near public transport. I told her she'd have to work out somewhere of getting there so she rang them. There's no bus or anything. The receptionist said she could walk the 2-3 kms from the train station! My sister, who is normally not very assertive, actually said to her, 'did you hear me right? I'm asking about the chronic fatigue clinic.' Anyway she went for the appointment and found out there is a service to transport people. Thank goodness. Once she starts the program, she'll be going 3 days a week and I couldn't possibly drive her... not unless I never want to work or do anything else. I think it will be good for her, they do hydrotherapy and yoga and other exercises as well as try to get patients back into work or study. I did my easter shopping this morning. We really only buy token presents for each other because Easter isn't such a big deal for us. I do freak my family out though by eating meat on Good Friday. I have no problem since I'm not at all religious and figure it's hypocritical to have no faith all year then get all religious on Good Friday. If you have faith, then have it; if you don't then don't. Besides I hate fish. I used to horrify my mother by having bacon for brekky on Good Friday. I'm still waiting to be smitten by lightning or plague or some such... Never knew there was a problem with eating certain foods on Good Friday? Ignorant me... I too am not a religious person, each to their own I say.... though I do believe you should "do unto others as you would have them do unto you".... and all that stuff! Have a wonderful Easter weekend, be safe and happy. LOL yep, gotta love all those religious folk who only practice what they preach on specific days ;-) I hope your sister finds the clinic helps! Is CF something you can get rid of or you're stuck with it for life?
stats:current weight: start weight: total loss: goal weight:
measurements:boobs: 100 cm waist: 81 cm hips: 109 cm thighs: 50 cm
Weekly Goal Lifestyle Changing Challenge-A-RamaWeek 1 - Drink more water Week 2 - Cut out sugary treats *
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