
[a weight loss story]

*kathrynoh at nemesis dot com dot au*


No Class

I was planning to go to Body Combat class this morning but I didn't go. I feel like a real slackarse for not going but a voice inside me tells me I'm not ready. Maybe that voice is right although I am questioning if it is the voice of reason or the voice of bone idleness. I went for a 30 minute or so walk yesterday and I'm still sore from that, which makes me think that the exercise class is a bit premature. The soreness isn't just muscle soreness either but knee joint soreness so perhaps it is better to ease up a bit.



current weight:
76.6 kg

start weight:
110.1 kg

total loss:
33.5 kg

goal weight:
70 kgs



boobs: 100 cm

waist: 81 cm

hips: 109 cm

thighs: 50 cm


Weekly Goal Lifestyle Changing Challenge-A-Rama

Week 1 - Drink more water

Week 2 - Cut out sugary treats


my writing blog





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