
[a weight loss story]

*kathrynoh at nemesis dot com dot au*


So Close

Weigh in day today. I only have to lose 800 grams to get achieve my goal (20 kilograms lost by my birthday which is 2 weeks from today). I can do that, I know I can. If I keep going like I've been and don't do anything stupid, then it's well within my grasp.

On the one hand, I keep thinking it's only a number and so long as I keep losing, it doesn't matter whether or not I get to a certain number by a certain time, but the other hand keeps thinking that this year is a milestone birthday and the best way to deal with that whole trauma is to be at my lowest adult weight. I can handle getting older if it means that I'm getting better.

So close to your birthday goal! Yes you can do it.

By Blogger Suzy, at 8:12 am  

It's not just a number. It's your commitment to yourself coming true. You go, girl!

By Blogger not specified, at 10:08 am  

good luck with the 800g....I know you will get there. Enjoyed catching up on your thoughts today I haven't been around to visit for a while. lb

By Blogger Learning Leaders, at 11:14 am  

Woooooooooohooooooooo - well done on being so close !!! You CAN do it if you stay focussed.
Take care and be good !

By Blogger Me, at 12:09 pm  

You can do it!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:50 pm  



current weight:
76.6 kg

start weight:
110.1 kg

total loss:
33.5 kg

goal weight:
70 kgs



boobs: 100 cm

waist: 81 cm

hips: 109 cm

thighs: 50 cm


Weekly Goal Lifestyle Changing Challenge-A-Rama

Week 1 - Drink more water

Week 2 - Cut out sugary treats


my writing blog



Born To Be Wild

Walking Against The Wind



Studies Show...


Friends: A Rant

Sick Again

Take That, Plateau. Blam. Whap.
