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iDiet[a weight loss story]
*kathrynoh at nemesis dot com dot au* |
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::27.2.07:: Happier I'm feeling much better today, though I'd prolly feel even better if some pesky mosquito hadn't been buzz around me all night. How come you can't sleep through the sound of a mosquito? Damn things. The interview went kinda well yesterday. I don't have all the skills they need but the girl from the agency is going to talk to them about me because she thinks the skills I do have are so strong, they might be willing to training me. I'm ambivalent about this job though. I'm not sure I want to return to a full time serious career position. I've been making such great progress with my writing. This is a very serious, very corporate career position. It comes with a very serious, very corporate salary. Part of me feels like I should be pursuing a career, a proper career in an office. To stop dicking around. Another part of me says that I should take my writing seriously or I'll get nowhere with that. I tried on running shoes yesterday at the Athlete's Foot. Strangely enough, the guy said completely different stuff to what everyone else has ever told me about my feet. He said I had high arches. I've always thought I had high arches but every other time I've been fitted they've said I have normal arches. It's stupid but I'm kinda proud of having high arches. He also said I needed a lot of heel support. I tried on some ASICS 1120s and they felt great but I'd really like a second opinion on this. I'm not investing all that money in a pair of running shoes that aren't right - I've learnt my lesson on that. Finally, some of my ebay auctions finish today. Hopefully I'll get lots more bids. I've still got more stuff to list too but ebay kept stuffing up yesterday. I should go out for a run I guess instead of sitting around obsessively pressing refresh on my ebay browser.
Hey, the job sounds promising but it sounds like you really need to think about your situation and what you really want and need to do. Whoops, forgot to say that I'm glad you're happier today too! Doom days suck... Sounds like you have quite a dilema on your hands.... serious job with good money, or job you love and piss all money! At the end of the day it is a decision only you can make, good luck with it. I have high arches too, weird how they make up feel "less fat" !
Hey! Glad to see you're a bit happier today! Hard decision to make about the full time job, but in the end money isn't everything but it does pay the bills! So glad that went for the interview and are feeling a little bit better about things. I'm not going to give you any advice about the corporate career thing, the way I'm feeling about mine now does not put me in a good place to be advising others! By 10:39 pm , at
::26.2.07:: Weigh In 77.1 kg You know who sucks - me. I've put on 1.2 kg this week. I don't even know how that happened. Well apart from not exercising enough and eating too much. I really don't have to overeat much to put on weight and that sucks. I haven't been running since the Sunset Series the other night because I'm scared I'm going to get sick again and that sucks. The Run for the Kids is in less than 5 weeks and I'm totally unprepared and that sucks too. I have a job interview today and I don't want to go because I'm not going to get the job anyway so why waste my time and I dont' want to get all dressed up and go into the city for nothing. And if, by some miracle I get the job, I'll only suck at it. I'm sick of being broke and struggling and I'm mighty sick of ebay because every time I try to list stuff on there, my browser freezes up. I'm sick of everything and life sucks. I'm such a chirpy little rainbow today, aren't I. Your attitude sucks too! Sorry, that's not going to help you cheer up, but I'm in a bad mood too, so taking it out on someone else might help! Gotta agree with Sue but I get like this too. Now what are ya gonna do about it? Go to the interview anyway and then plan some exercise and good food for the week. You can do this, it's just a little dark and cloudy in your world today BUT bad days don't last :-)
Me three! By CaramelKitKat, at 12:41 pm Mondayitis in a big way hey? My 1hr traffic standstill sucked the big one this morning also. Good luck with the interview.
Sorry everything sucks at the moment (((()))) I am sure there is a light somewhere down that bloody tunnel and you will be back to your chirpy self :)!! By 2:11 pm , atOK Kathryn just suck it in and see what happens. You can do this, an da job would help things for a while I am sure. Go knock em dead.
Well, Ms Litte-Ray-of-Sunshine, it must be something in the water, because my morning sucked BIG TIME.
You certainly don't suck at writing - I read your article today - excellent in both content and style. A weight gain & shitty to boot. Is that PMS I hear? When you're feeling like that, it usually means that tomorrow will probably be a better day! Go for the job interview ... you'll regret it if you don't try! By Andrew(ajh), at 10:22 pm
I saw a beautiful rainbow the other day. They only come when it's raining, and it sounds like you're due your very own rainbow.
::22.2.07:: Ebay I've just listed some of my clothes on ebay --- here -- and still have 2 more boxes of stuff to list. Arrrgh, let me tell you if you think it's a good idea to buy black clothes before you lose weight, think again. Once you lose the weight, they are a total bitch to photograph when you want to sell them on ebay. Plus it just took me 2 hours to list 6 items. Everything is running insanely slow today. congrats on the magazine article - i was thinking of bagging stuff up on ebay too! might wait and see how your stuff goes though. By 6:10 pm , at
Good luck with your ebay sales! Its so hard to get good pictures of clothes for ebay, I try and try. I think I need to finally start ebaying stuff. Dan seems to make a couple of hundred every so often. I'm such an idiot, I place all my stuff on the street when I don't want it. I could have been raking it in! I need to sell most of my camera gear. Good luck! Hi Kathryn. Just checked out your article in the fitness mag. Well done.
I will check out your article in the mag. I really like that magazine. I just checked your ebay stuff - looking at you now I CANNOT BELIEVE you ever wore size 26!! Especially with how fast you run!What a wonderfu l transformation you have worked on yourself, you should be very proud
Bad and Good Sunset Series fun run at Princes Park last night - definitely bad. The first lap went well, I did great times then the second lap. Just after the midway point, I started feeling sick, then sicker and sicker. I had to stop running and walk. My friend, Simon, stayed with me even though I kept telling him he didn't have to which wasn't so much him being nice as being slack. Around the 6 km mark, an old man passed us so I ran to get ahead then felt sicker and walked. The old man passed us again - he was really, really old - so we ran then walked. Finally I let the old man get ahead. I walked, very slowly to the finish but once that finish line can into sight I had to do a sprint. Afterwards I felt like I wanted to either vomit or pass out. Still managed to eat my post-run sausage though. It took forever to walk the km back to the car, I even needed a rest stop halfway. Am still feeling queasy today. Not good at all. But this is good - I wrote an article for Women's Health and Fitness magazine and my copy turned up today. Check it out if you get a chance - I interviewed a few bloggers for it :) Woohoo!
I haven't bought WH&F for awhile now as I think the fitness sections have been more like beginners material. Now I'm just gonna have to get a copy, or maybe I'll just read your bit while I'm in the newsagents. Do you think they'll mind.
Aargh!! I've been checking and checking, and that bloody magazine is STILL not in the newsagent! Nice work on the article! I used to read WH&F when I was back in Oz but some of the writing really used to give me the shits - it was like it was written by people with no writing skills (or spelling or grammar). The lack of editing made it seem a bit amateurish - but then I am pedantic that way. Good to see they are lifting their game! Sounds like you might not have had enough water on board in the days leading up to PP run? It has been so hot at night as well so your body probaby didn't cope. It is such a horrible feeling- at least you managed a sprint at the end. By MorseyRuns, at 1:32 pm Whoo hoo, well done on the article! I'll have to check it out. I hope you are feeling better.
::21.2.07:: Working Man Andrew got offered a job today. He starts work on Monday. I'm so happy and I think it will be a really good thing for him. It's the first interview he's ever done so pretty amazing that he got it. Of course, he's very confident and self-assured, mostly due to good parenting (see what I did there). It's working in a call centre but sounds great and if he sticks at it for 6 months they offer training to move into other areas. I reckon a year or two of working and, if he wants to go back to uni, he'll be much more focused on what he wants to do. Still there's a part of me that is sad. Mostly because he has a job and I don't. That doesn't seem right. Sure it's much easier to get call centre work than IT jobs especially at this time of year, but he'll be earning more than me! Plus he turns 20 this weekend and he's no longer a teenager. I'm not even used to him being a teenager yet. How did that happen? Congratulations to your Andrew ... I know how you feel with my Chris just landing his apprenticeship too! By Andrew(ajh), at 10:24 pm
congrats to your son :) Maybe he can contribute to housekeeping ;) By Anonymous GP, at 2:32 am Way to go Andrew! It is funny adjusting to our kids getting older, my eldest is now 28 and I feel weird knowing that! I feel much more NORMAL with Brylee and Griffin, like its ok to be Mummy to a 5 and 6 year old than a 28 year old! I am feeling young, that's the best part. I hope you get a job soon, being poor sucks. I can only imagine how you are feeling. I watch my younger sister and brother "grow up" and it spins me out! They shock me sometimes when they act more adult than me LOL.
::20.2.07:: Tuesday My weight is down to 75.9 kg today. Ha, I knew the scales were lying yesterday. And that is why I never pay too much attention to them. I've decided to have an easy day today. I hurt my leg doing yoga on Sunday!!! Am I the only person in the world who can do that? I'm hoping to do the Sunset Series run at Princes Park tomorrow - hopefully they'll let me pay the concession price because I'm still fairly skint, but they aren't too clear on their site who gets concession prices. And that leads me to a rant! I'm so shitty about this - unfair concessions. A lot of runs give only give concessions to full time students. That means if you are on a health care card and struggling to survive, you pay full price, while some snotty little shit who's at uni and living at home, needing nothing but party cash while Mummy and Daddy foot the bills gets a concession! Sure a lot of uni students struggle but then surely they'd be on a health care card. It's just like senior card discounts. They bug me. You know ANYONE who's old get ones. If you are old but you own a million dollar mansion in Toorak and collect zillions of dollars from investments, you get a concession on public transport and movies and stuff. And, trust me, rich old people will do that. Nice result on the scales - I am ignoring mine for saying nasty things about me. Good luck for Sunset Series Race 2- both the concession and the running. By MorseyRuns, at 2:26 pm LOL yep, not paying much attention to scales helps. Godo luck getting the concession! Enjoy the race, concession or not.... shit happens and there is sweet fanny all we can do about it. So go and have fun ! I remember my Dad's absolute delight the first time he got senior discount at the movies. Mind you, after teaching for over 40 years, they bloody deserved it! Have a great race, hope they give you a concession. Good luck on the weight loss.
::19.2.07:: Weigh In 76.8 kg That's a 0.8 kg gain this week but I'm not fussed. The hot weather always screws my weight around and I've been drinking about 800 litres of water a day. I know I've been eating relatively well and exercising so I figure as soon as it cools down, I'll get normal. You know what amazes me. When you go to the gym and people get to their class early so they sit on the ground for 10-15 doing nothing. Why not hop on a bike or something? If you're going to be at the gym, may as well exercise. I went to the gym yesterday and did a cardio workout then yoga. I had to leave yoga early though because you only get 2 hours parkng validation at the gym and I am not using my precious (and rapidly diminishing) supply of money on parking. I validated my ticket and left the gym then ran, all sweaty and gross, through the shopping centre to the ticket machine so I could get out free. It's been a hard week as far as money goes. My sister loaned me some because she rocks but I was supposed to get paid $80 for some work I did and only got $40. I'll get the rest next week but really needed this week. I get $100 tomorrow so that rocks. I want to suspend my gym membership but I need money to do that. So this week's challenge is good posture. I have the worst posture and always slump but this week I'm going to be aware of it. Head up, stomach in. I had a gain as well. I wish I took it as well as you did. I just went out and had a pig out. Dumb. Shoulders back, suck in. I can do that too. That's a good reminder for me...as I sit slouched at work. You you see hunched over elderly people and immediately straighten? A guy at the supermarket yesterday was so hunched his neck was at a right angle to his back, so he faced the ground, poor bugger. I need reminding constantly! By CaramelKitKat, at 11:12 am
I always wonder that about gym-goers too! Although maybe they are just staking out the best/most breezy spot before others show up? Who knows! By 11:41 am , at
Oh yeah, the ground-sitters are TOTALLY claiming their territory. You don't want to get to class and find someone has taken your favourite spot, do you? Don't these newcomers realise there's a heirarchy here? yep - put me down on the broke as hell list too! coz i am and don't it suck? By 7:53 pm , atKathryn, one of my ex-PTs got me to put "little red dots" around the place, like on my computer screen etc. These were to remind me of my posture. It worked, every time I'd see the dot I'd sit up straight! By Andrew(ajh), at 9:54 pm
Great idea with the posture challenge. I was shown how to have the bar resting properly on my shoulders on the smith machine tonight .. amazing the difference it made.
Whoops, I'm slouching right now. How many people will read this post and sit up right quick smart LOL.
::18.2.07:: Hot How frigging hot is it! I'll be glad when it cools down a bit. Didn't stop me from going to the R4TK training run yesterday. I decided to not be lazy this week and do the 8 km run. Came dead last but still got a coffee and muffin so that was good. When I got home, we spent the arvo watching Grey's Anatomy. I've not seen it before and now I'm hooked. I also ate far too much bread - it's just too easy to live on sangers when it's so hot. Today I'm heading over to the lovely air-conditioned gym. Might stay there all day so I can avoid the heat. I've got so much to do this week, I need to make myself a schedule. Oh yeah and Andrew had two job interviews this week - my mad resume writing skills are paying off him a lot better than they are for me. Fingers crossed that he gets one of them.
Hot...urgh... Well done on getting out and running in the heat - who cares if you came in last - you ran, that's more than I did! By Andrew(ajh), at 1:10 pm Oh my, running in the heat is bad enough, going for 8kms is just awesome! I can't even run 500 metres! Hope the coffee and muffin were yum! Well done on pushing out for the 8Kms yesterday, you finished and you finished running, there is no last, the kid on the bike came last :-) By 4:14 pm , at
Still none of the usual thunderstorms? It certainly has been hot! Congratulations on the run. I hope the gym was lovely and cold for you.
wow, two interviews already! you should go pro, you'd make a killing!
::15.2.07:: Valentines Day Pssst, I'm feeling trapped in at the moment. My housemate is painting the side of the house outside my room and, I know if I open the curtains and the window, he'll keep talking to me (or more like AT me). I'm in no mood for that so I'm sitting here with the curtains closed, scared to leave my room. He has no comprehension that I have better things to do than hear about his prostate plus he stinks! A couple of times he's had my sister and I holed up in the hallway and he reeks of BO. We inch away trying to get out of smell range but he walks after us. One of the local bars had a singles night last night for Valentines Day. I'd thought about going then remembered Andy was coming over for dinner. Personally I'd much rather spend time with my son than some desperate stranger in a bar. Since Andrew didn't get into the course he wanted at uni, we spent some time writing his resume and applying for jobs. I put together a basic application that he can use and change around. Don't they teach that stuff to kids in school any more? I'm kinda glad he didn't get into his course. When he said he wanted to change over to Psychology, I'd have been fully supportive if I'd felt he really wanted to do it but I got the feeling that he just wanted out of his Computer Science course and would take anything else just to stay at uni. I reckon a few years in the workforce will do him good then if he decides to go back to study, he'll be doing it because he really wants to do it, not because he's too scared to do anything else. After I dropped him home, I passed the bar and checked out the singles night. The place was packed full of tanned, blonde chicks who all looked the same and a couple of meathead guys. I think I made the right choice picking family time instead. Eww singles bars.... you chose good with your son for company. One of our sons had been on 3 courses in the past 3 years, and still doesn't know what he wants to do! Kids, they are such pains! Doesn't help having so many either....as for your flatmate and his BO, tell him he stinks and give him some deodorant, how else is he going to learn? I know you are not his mother, but you are the one having to put up with the stench... yuk.
sounds like you made the right choice for V day!
Oh yuck! I detest BO! No excuse for it! You need someone to tell him.
::13.2.07:: Skint Okay, I'm officially poor now. Totally skint. I just used my $2 coin that carry in my gym bag for the lockers to buy coffee. I have no cash until Saturday. I guess it's not that bad - I have enough food in the house to keep me going for a long time. I have a bit of petrol in the car and don't really need to use that anyway. I don't really need cash but it's nice to have some in case of emergencies or to buy stuff like coffee. You know what really sucks - I got that big, shiny cheque last week but because it's overseas money, it has to sit in my account for 28 days. It's there but it's not available. It's like prick tease money. It dances at me and taunts: you can see me but you can't have me. If anyone has any ideas on how to make fast cash, let me know. Not ideas that involve dirty old men and street corners though... I started back at school last night. Editing, woohoo! That's sarcasm by the way. My sister is a total comma nerd. I showed her the subject outline and she was totally jealous about my learning. I told her she could do the subject in my place but I don't get so het up about the semicolon. I did something that might have been a bit silly. We have to each do a presentation over the course of the year so I volunteered to do mine in week 4. That's in 3 weeks time folks. At least it will be done and I can wag class and go to to Monday night running training instead. Am I the only person who gets their subject outline on the first day and marks off the classes they can wag? On Friday, I've got Short Story which will be much more exciting. I hope. Arrggh this Editing subject is getting to me already. I can see many errors in this entry but I'm going to rebel and NOT fix them. So there. It sucks when you're broke... Can u not pay a small fee to have the cheque cleared even if it o/s money? Sometimes different bank people tell u different stuff.
Quick, easy money = EBAY!! By 1:39 pm , at
Sorry to hear about your brokeness. I too can lend you a tenner if need be. :) By 2:48 pm , atHa, and I am such a good editor now that I forget to end a sentence with a full stop! Ahem. By 2:49 pm , at
Sorry to hear about the lack of funds! How annoying waiting for a check to clear when you need cash now! By ali4579@gmail.com, at 2:51 pm Send me your address, I'll send ya $2 for coffee !!! ha ha ha. Might not get much tho, Kiwi money is worth less than Aussy money.... shame. Hope you can hang in there till that cheque clears. Don't recommend street corners eitha. Oh shame, I just read the other comments and feel CHEAP now, cos I only offered you $2.... maybe I can stretch to a tenner as well !
Sorry to hear about your skint-ness. Can you sell some books at a book exchange? Or some cds off to a second hand record shop? I used to do this heaps when I was perpetually skint, found all the things I didn't like and didn't have any time for and flogged them. I didn't get too much but it tided me over until the money rolled in again. what about one of those cash converters type places? too bad they don't give money for donating blood here, like they do in other places! lol. i hate being broke!!! i know what it is like.
Look down the back of the couch. There's sure to be at least $4 in silver there.
Mmm...how about eBay. Got anything to eBay? Books, clothes, bags...
::12.2.07:: Weigh In - 76 kg A small loss this week. I wasn't expecting much this week but what the hell can you expect when people keep giving me baked goods! Saturday morning I went to the Tan for a training session for Run For the Kids and afterwards they had coffee and muffins. Not just regular muffins either, but fantastically good muffins. I only ran 4 km, next week I'm definitely doing the 8 km run - I need to so that I come out ahead! Then I got home and went for a coffee run and the owner at the Best Coffeeshop Ever is thinking of changing cake suppliers and he had samples and, since we are their bestest customers, he gave me cake samples to take home. He gave me tiramisu! Tiramisu people, I'm not strong enough to say no to that. And Mars Bar Cake. Luckily they were only slivers and I shared them with my sister. Since I'm living in abject poverty and getting free cake, I feel kinda like a peasant from the French revolution. Oh yeah, last week's challenge went well until Thursday then I had all the landlord hassles to deal with so got sidetracked, then the free cake! I still need to work on the regular meals and no grazing thing. I've not thought of a challenge for this week but, after my last post, I think I'll make a point of being aware of my emotions and working on them. This will be a good week to put things into practice because I start back at my writing course tonight and that always plays on my insecurities and jealousies. Oh thank god I havn't got to sample cake like you! How awful, having to eat cake...better go for a run now, right now!
LOL sample cake! That is too funny and yummy, lucky girl but yeah...now run ;-)
4km??? U can run 4km? I think you just became the girl that I am going to compare myself to! By 6:36 pm , atTiramisu? And Mars Bar cake? Well, it's quite understandable...who could possibly resist that?
Damn landlords! My landlord really broke my mojo this week too. Well, the combination of him and hassles at work...
::10.2.07:: Competition Girl Does anyone else play this game: In any situation, you randomly pick someone to be your rival then closely study them so you can assess whether you are 'winning'. Now the fun part of the game is to simultaneously find reasons why life is giving them an unfair advantage (they are prettier or thinner, they suck up to the boss, they are wearing red shoes - it doesn't matter what the reason, so long as you can hate them for beating you) while constantly changing the goal posts to ensure you NEVER win. You can play this anywhere - at work, at school, at home, waiting in the queue for the toilet, walking down the street. Pick someone and then compare yourself. Are they thinner? Do they have better hair? Are they better dressed than you? It works best though if you are in close contact with them, close enough to see their sucesses but not close enough to know how hard they've worked for it - that way they seem to beat you effortlessly every time. Of course, you never let your rival know it's competition, you just play it out in your head. The ultimate objective is to make sure you never, at any time, feel like you are good enough. You get resentment and envy and sick inside. Even when someone gets something you have never wanted, you hate them for it. I do this ALL the time and I'm only starting to realise. Sometimes I can use it to my advantage - if I'm running and I pick out someone I want to beat, I run faster - but mostly it's just a stupid head game. As a kid, my mum constantly compared me unfairably to my sister. Because that always works out well. My sister was the popular one who always fitted in, I wasn't. My sister worked hard to get good marks, I never worked hard (but got good marks anyway). I only found out as an adult that she did the same thing to my sister. It's a horrible thing to say but I think on some level my mum was so insecure that she never wanted us to be close. I can't change my childhood but I can change how I react to things as an adult. I don't win by being the thinnest or having the most money or the best hair (I still want to have the prettiest shoes though). I win by not competing in the first place - working out what makes me happy and going after it, not worrying about anybody else.
I love this post Kathryn... and yep, I play that game all the time. Not with random strangers, though... with people I know. It's a bitter and crushing game, but it's so god damn addictive! By 2:31 pm , atWhat a weird game! Maybe I do compare myself to other people, but usually I am comparing the size of their arse to mine, and sometimes I WIN !!! I don't think I'd like to unfavourably compare myself to others all the time, where's the fun in that??? Please explain this some more! Does it inspire you to do better, look better, run faster, pass the exam better ??? If that's the case, maybe it is an ok game?
This is a great post Kathryn. By 4:06 pm , atWhat a brilliant post babe! That's right, you win by NOT comparing in the first place. We are all so darn different and everyone has their own challenges. You can't compare apples and oranges as they say :-)
wow.... great post kathryn. really tops. i do that same thing and now you have me wondering why. Kathryn, you are so astute sometimes, I really do relate to a lot of your posts. Your closing comment today is just so right. Most people could be much more successful if they limited their competitiveness to competing with themselves, and making themselves as good as they can be without comparing to others. However it is just so human to be competitive, it is difficult to have the inner power to not be constantly comparing as you say. By Andrew(ajh), at 11:39 pm
::9.2.07:: Tired I've been feeling exhausted lately. Yesterday I had to go into the city and thought I'd do a gym workout while I was there, but just couldn't then I thought I'd walk home and didn't even manage that. Today, I just want to sleep. It's been an emotional draining few days. Part of me thinks if I need rest I should have it, the other is freaking. I've got workout schedules and fat to burn. And I used to find being lazy so easy. I can't believe Anna Nichol Smith is dead. Years ago, many years ago now, when she got fat and lost weight the first time, I had an article from a magazine showing her before pics and then the skinny Anna Nichol in a pink gingham dress. I pinned it up over my desk at work and told everyone that she was my inspiration. If Anna Nichol could lose weight, so could I. Of course it didn't actually work, but I thought lots about it. Poor Anna, what a life, and what a waste... sad for her wee baby, wonder who the daddy really is???
Lstern to your body.. it is telling you to rest... so rest!! By Yummy Mummy, at 3:20 pm
That is so funny that you mention Anna Nicole as a motivational tool. I've got a whole post brewing about certain kinds of people who successfully lose weight and why they shouldn't be role models. It's coming, promise.
I agree, you gotta listen to your body and rest! When I feel this way, I have taken a week off in the past. Do it, you'll feel so much better, refreshed and ready to get back into it!
::8.2.07:: In The Ghetto... Our landlords are being total - well that word I can't really say on here but you know the one I mean. We haven't heard from them in weeks then yesterday they rang up demanding their rent money immediately! I told them I had a fun run to go to and they wanted to meet me there to get the money. I kid you not. This is damn ridiculous. We don't have a rent day, they just decide they want the money and want it NOW. I can't pay my full rent (since it's been 6 weeks and I spent some of it) until Monday so they went psycho on me. I say they because I had the rent girl (the owner's daughter) on the phone to me while her brother yelled abuse in the background. Then, long story short, more dramas today... more abuse, more eviction threats. The owner reckons he's moving in for 2 weeks to make our lives hell. I laughed at him - like the slumlord would move into the slum! I've rang the Tenants Union and I know my rights - they can't evict us and, if they try they will have to go through the proper channels. If they come over and get abusive we ring the police (got their number on speed dial), I'm taking them to court to get the lawns done, the dodgy stove fixed and other jobs done. I also found out that, since we only rent the rooms, the landlord is responsible for cleaning the communal areas twice a week. My sister wanted to do a runner but I'm determined to stay here and fight. These people are cashed up bogans who've made their money out of ripping people off and bullying them (not just as landlords but in their business as well). It's time someone stood up to them. Edited to say: Oh yeah I did the zoo run yesterday between dramas. Wanted to do it under 50 mins but did just over :( But I got to see monkeys and lions.
Woohoo! Threaten Kathryn and she'll make YOUR life hell! Good on you for sticking to your guns, don't give in to bullies. They can sing for their money, make em fix the problems too.
God, they sound like the landlords from hell. I hope the rent is cheap, at least! what powertripping arsemonkeys! good on you for standing up to them. GRRRR.
omg, I so want you to take the bastards to court and then take photos of them begrudgingly cleaning your kitchen :D They sound like total mo-fos. Good on you for standing up to them. I hope it doesn't get any nastier. Bloody hell, your landlord is a "criminal, mafia" and I say that in my Dad's classic Balkan accent for effect. Take him to the cleaners!
::7.2.07:: Rocking the Go-Go You gotta love a class when the first thing you do is have a beer break! That's my kind of exercise. Even if I only stuck to water. What a fun workout. Very different to the whole gym vibe - lots of chicks in band tee-shirts and some mums and daughters, everyone having a good laugh at themselves. After the warm ups, we learnt about 500 different dance moves! My fave was The Rifleman, which is basically doing finger guns. I can see many Riflemans (Riflemen?) being done on the dance floor after a few drinks. My least fave was the Monkey, mostly cos it involved doing little pulsing squats while alternating your arms in the air (kinda like the mashed potato). After my leg pressing and biking at the gym last night, my quads screamed in pain with every squat! After learning the moves, we put them together into a routine. That rocked. Then break time and more beers (and waters). After that we learnt some steps for the Madison, which apparently is so complicated that they only learn a few of the moves each week. Homework was to watch Hairspray (which I've never seen) because they do the Madison in it. Then another couple of attempts at the first routine and a cool down. Then my favourite part - free bar snacks! All up, it was heaps of fun and I don't think I got to un-co (well I did but managed to right myself). Apparently the moves are pretty much the same every week so after a few times I might even get the arms and legs working together! Ha ha, sounds great! Watch the beer though! Think of the calories!
Sounds like an awesome thing to do. Definitely more my league than pole dancing! Haha, that sounds like a HEAP of fun!! that sounds bloody awesome. who would have thought it would have ended up a SPORT of sorts! heheheh... What a hoot. I am even more excited to try it now. What did you wear? Exercise with beer breaks. I like that idea.
If I lived closer then 3 1/2 hours away I would coem with you.. that sounds like a blast!!! By Yummy Mummy, at 6:40 pm
I loved your deep dark secrets and I want to find your housemate!! I always have thought I would be a good detective. Sounds like a den of hell to me. Only cause I couldn't resist evil drinks and bar snacks right now LOL Otherwise FUN! Go-Go dancing sounds like hella fun. Of course I think I look a lot like Elaine from Seinfeld when I dance so I'm willing to bet I'd look like a complete spazz at one of those classes!
Aww, now I really want to try it - especially if I can get away with being unco!
Yay for beer breaks and free snacks! Sounds awesome, wish I could have come along. That sounds awesome! Where do you do that?
::6.2.07:: Five Things You Don't Know About Me! Tagged by Jadey. Whoa, my deepest, darkest secrets (well maybe not). 1. One time I was asked to be in foot porn (and I bet I get some weirdo google hits from writting that). Not foot fetish porn but dudes who have chicks walk on them. I'd met this guy at a club - he asked me to walk on him and I said so he offered to buy me a drink... it would have been rude to refuse. Then I got to know him over a few months and he asked me to do the porn. I thought it would be hilarious, and the only way I'd ever be in a porn movie, so of course I agreed. In the end, it all fell through which made me very sad because there were free shoes involved. FREE SHOES. *sob* 2. I am absolutely hopeless at spotting celebrities. I went to the US on hols with a friend and we were in LA and he saw Arnold Swaggenager and I was looking around going where? where? when he was right beside me. To be honest, I was looking for someone MUCH taller. On the same holiday, I also didn't recognise Robert Redford. Another time, in Paris, we were sitting in the lobby of our (very fancy) hotel and I was waiting for this scruffily dressed chick to get thrown out but she was Naomi Campbell. I do recognise totally obscure people from obscure bands though, and I'll get all excited if I see someone who was like in some band that had one single played on JJJ in the '90s. Do I sound like a complete wanker even mentioning this? Cos I'm not. Honest. 3. My housemate disappeared in suspicious circumstances. I don't think I mentioned this before but last year my housemate's boyfriend came over and collected some of her stuff and said she'd moved in with him (he was a thug). We'd spoken to her the day before and she'd not mentioned it and had even talked about house stuff like she had no intention of moving. She never came back for any of her stuff. When we looked through her room (come on, you'd do it too), she'd left heaps of personal stuff behind - her underwear and all her furniture, uni assignments and letters and make up and stuff like that. We've never seen her again. Since then, on at least three occasions, we've had weird people come to the house looking for her. When we say she doesn't live here any more, they say yes she moved back to Greece/in with her boyfriend/interstate - so why do they come here looking for her? We think either her bf offed her and threw her body in the Merri Creek or that she got in trouble with the mob or she was in witness protection. Normally we'd put it down to our overactive imaginations but our other housemate thinks it's weird too, and he has no imagination. 4. I love REO Speedwagon and if that's wrong, I never want to be right. 5. I've never fallen in love. I don't really believe in it - isn't it just something invented by Hollywood and florists to make money? If you have never fallen in love... it's because you have never met THE person yet... it will happen when you least expect it...
WOW. Foot porn. You superstar :) How weird that the flatmate vanished. How was go-go dancing? Bwahaha...I'm with you and the 90s. There was a great Sonic Youth special on TV over the weekend and a Pixies one a couple of weeks before! I thought I had some weird flatmate stories, but you win!
i'm gonna keeeep on lovin' youuuuuuu!
I always wondered about the house mate thing. Di you ever actually report it? I would hope someone reported it if I disappeared from the face of the planet.
OMG! The roommate thing is awesome in a creepy/gruesome way.
I've fallen in love more times than i've given up smoking, hmmm hang on ... maybe it's NOT love - maybe it's just lust. Whatever!! That is pretty weird about the housemate. Like they said, did you ever report it to the police? If you didn't, it's not too late to do it now. Creepy.
Good Things The mailman delivered a shiny parcel yesterday with a couple of copies of a book containing one of my short stories and a big, shiny cheque. I love money. And I love seeing my story in an actual book. Then I got distracted and popped all the bubble cos sometimes I'm like a 2 year old. I went to my storage space and got all my old clothes and I'm having a mammoth ebay sale to raise the money to buy new runners. Now I just have to take photos. I took my cheque to the bank and while the girl processed it, she checked my accounts and said I paid far too much in bank fees (I knew that) so she changed it so I'll be saving around $16 a month. I love her. She also wanted me to consider taking out a loan for a holiday!!! Yeah right. I've got money coming in from all these different sources (although not big amounts, darn it) and I've been trying to make a budget but it's so hard when the timing is all over the place. I think maybe I need to do a cash flow statement instead and get some use out of all those accounting subjects I did at uni. I had planned on going to the R4TK training run but it was too hot so I napped instead then went to the gym. I only had an hour for my workout so had to rush. I did some bike and cross training then weights but couldn't do the full weights workout. I figured the leg press and assisted chin ups were my priority since I can't do those at home. I leg pressed 85 kgs this time. Woohoo! Have you ever posted a comment on someone's blog, thinking they were someone else? I just did that (not a weight loss blog) and have now realised it won't make any sense to them and I'll look like a moron. I can't delete it either. Arrrgghh! Today I'm going for a run then go-go class tonight. I don't think anyone else is going to go-go class but that's okay. I'll be happy with my new go-go friends. After that it's Prison Break and Heroes night. I spoke to Andrew last night and he said they have two trees full of apples in his yard so he's going to bring me some apples plus make an apple crumble for dessert. Woohoo, sometimes those 20 hours I spent in the labour ward were worth it.
Good luck with the Go Go class, sounds like fun! By ali4579@gmail.com, at 11:17 am
Do the publishers always send you a copy of the book that your story is published in? By 12:03 pm , atCongratulations on the book! I am looking forward to hearing about the go-go classes- am tempted to join you, but I don't know if I am go-go enough. By MorseyRuns, at 12:29 pm
congratulations :) how exciting! You are a clever woman! As for the 20 hours in a labour ward... nothing is worth 20 friggin hours! EXCEPT A CUTE BABY I suppose. My longest labour was 5 hours, shortest was 39 minutes! And I'm still wondering if it was worth it! Maybe if I hadn't had 6 and then 2 "bonus" kids I'd feel differently lol
Congrats on the book, how exciting!!! Yeah that bubble wrap makes you do that doesn't it :) By 3:27 pm , atThat is so exciting about your story! CONGRATULATIONS babe, that is awesome news to hear that you've been published and now paid even. YAY! I hope you liked the go-go class and that son of yours sounds like a great kid :-)
::5.2.07:: Weigh In - 76.7 kgs A loss this week, thank goodness. The scales didn't move all week but they came through today and that's what counts. Because of feeling sick and other things, I didn't get to run at all this week so last night I decided to head out. I dicked around so much that it got dark but I went anyway. Got to Princes Park and panicked a bit about running in the dark since I've never done that before. I did one slow lap then one at a comfortable fast pace. I couldn't see my watch and it doesn't have a backlight so I couldn't check my times as I ran so just tried to keep an even pace. I wanted to get under 21 minutes thinking I'd build up over the next few weeks (or more) to do it under 18 minutes. So finished my lap (well 3 km, just short of a lap) and checked my watch - 17:30 mins. There goes that goal. I think instead of trying to go faster, I want to maintain that pace for longer. That is my highly scientific method! On the way home, there was a breatho set up. They didn't pull me over but for some reason the thought of being tested on the way home from a run really amused me. When I did my leg pressing last week, I told Andrew and he was like, yeah whatever. So I keep telling him and said I'm going to do it until he can at least fake being impressed. He managed a - that's great, Mum - in a bored monotone. Last night I got home and told my sister about my run. She was all like woohoo, that's great. So now I've told her she has to give Andrew lessons cos she fakes it so well. Okay, goal of the week. This week I want to have definite eating times rather than just grazing. I'm a terrible grazer and half the time it's just habit. This week, when I go to eat something, I'm going to ask myself do I really want it and, if I do, I'll take myself away from the computer and have meal time or snack time. The #1 step will be moving the fruit bowl out of reaching distance of the computer desk. I keep thinking I should make quitting coffee a goal - I've gone from one a day to two or three - but not yet. My soul cries when I think of no coffee. I feel so fine today. I jumped out of bed and did 20 minutes of yoga which was a fantastic way to start the day. Often I think about doing yoga but the thought of chucking on a long dvd workout puts me off but I've realised (der) I don't have to do the whole dvd. Doing something beats doing nothing. Tomorrow I can do the warmup then a different section. It definitely makes the legs feel better after yesterday's run. Great work on the PB even if it was unintentionally- is 15 mins the new goal?? I get more sympathy and support on-line than at home! By MorseyRuns, at 10:12 am
No more grazing. I like that goal. I'm going to give that a go too.
I'm a constant grazer and because I've been ill and it TOM I'm using it as an excuse to eat crap. I even sent BB out in the middle of the Biggest Loser to get me ome chippies and choclate chip cookies!!! How terrible is that??? Then I sat there stuffing them all in during the weigh in bit I can relate to having no coffee, only with me it's diet coke. Now instead of total denial, I have all I want on a saturday, and so far all I've wanted is 1-2 glasses full, so that's great for me. Why should you have no coffee if you really love it? A small quantity is not going to hurt you.
Jeeze, all these posts! Your blog is not updating on my bloglines for some reason?? By CaramelKitKat, at 2:02 pm Since my man gave up drinking, he drives around LOOKING for the checkpoints! Oh, yeah, giving up coffee? I just can't go there.
Nice time on the run! Yeah, all my family are useless at faking interest in my achievements...except my husband (lucky for him, or he'd be an ex-husband!).
"Doing something beats doing nothing" I am a grazer too. I hate it as I feel like I have ended the day having eaten nothing when, really I have chowed my way through enough food to feed Ethiopa for a week. I find coffee detrimental to weight loss as I have have have to have something sweet with it.
If you were amused at the thought of having a breath test post run, try my scenario last Friday!! I pull up at the Tan on Alexandra Rd and am turning around to park on other side of road and I have a police woman waving the contraption at my window. Now I found that totally hysterical. She actually breathalysed me, I could not believe it!! I definitely don't drink and run, lol! By 10:19 pm , atI hope you've been able to curb the grazing! That's what got me into trouble before the detox put me straight again. I reckon it's all those damn chocobana balls too LOL :-P
::4.2.07:: Queasy Like Sunday Morning! I just read this magificent quote: Those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often. Mae West I love it. They are words to live by. This week I want to try Go-Go dancing classes. I think I'll rock at Go-Go dancing and yes, I am complete denial about my lack of rhythm and co-ordination but I do think I'd look hot in a pair of white go-go boots and that's the main thing! And a sexy little fringy skirt! So, for the girls at brunch today and anyone else who wants to come along (or if you want to stalk me because I'm totally stalk-worthy), here are the details: Anna's Go-Go Academy, Tower Hotel, 351 Wellington St, Collingwood. Tuesday. 7 pm. $12. And don't be sitting there thinking - I'd love to do that but I just couldn't - well unless you don't live in Melbs and the commute is an issue, because if I can do it, anyone can. Trust me. I'm still feeling sick from Friday. Last night I went out for a few drinks then came home starving and heated up a curry for dinner. Not my smartest move! Ten minutes later, I downed some Nurofen and headed to bed. I'd planned to get up for an early morning run today but didn't. But I'm totally going to the R4TK training tomorrow night. Well unless it is insanely hot. Argh, I'd totally come with you as I've been dying to go go-go dancing for ages! Except the distance is an issue, I have to find the Sydney equivalent somewhere (if there is a Sydney equivalent!). Hope you're feeling better soon. I'll have to do some serious research into interesting things to do in Wellington. What with go-go in Melbourne and trapeze in Sydney, I'm feeling very left out! Abso-fucking-lutely! Love that quote and I would so be there for the go-go dancing if I lived in Melbourne, it'd be so much fun. Photos please :-)
Aaaarrgh why do I always miss out on doing all the really cool stuff?? Go-go dancing would be sooo cool. Can you wake me up before you go-go!! Hahahahahahahaha, come on you knew SOMEONE would say it right?
Will you be going there in a go go mobile. That's gee oh, gee gee oh.
Wake me up before you go go? go go dancing sounds wicked and good on ya for getting people involved! have fun! By 8:02 pm , at
You will look HOT!! Commute's a bitch so I am one who will back out but want to know how it goes..
::3.2.07:: Arrrgggghhh! I had a stomach bug yesterday -an evil stomach bug from hell! This was my day - take nurophen, wait for it to work, sleep, wake up screaming in pain and take more nurophen. I managed to snatch an hour or two between the nurophen working and falling asleep to eat toast and vegemite because that is the greatest belly cure of all time. I planned to go for a run today but think it better to rest up instead. I might go for a walk later into Carlton to pick up my goodie bag for the Sunset Series zoo run on Wednesday. Ohh, that sounds nasty, hope you get better soon. By MorseyRuns, at 11:06 am
*hugs* poor you. By ali4579@gmail.com, at 1:52 pm oh get better soon - and thank god for pain killers hey? By 2:26 pm , atYikes! Watch out for Nurofen with stomach bugs, it can potentially make the bug worse (nurofen and dodgy tummies aren't the best of friends). I hope you feel better soon!
Glad the gastro attack was only short lived. Sad you been ill, vegemite is the magic food! The only bonus of being ill is maybe you will drop a kilo or two! Aww babe I hope you are feeling better now. Sounds totally sucky. Yikes, what did you eat earlier!? I hope you are feeling much better now. Stomach bugs are NOT pleasant at all. Hope you're feeling better soon Kathryn. But seriously, how can you eat that black goo (blah!!!!) - easy to see I'm a pom and not an Aussie heh!, but anyway, I've never worked out how you guys can eat vegemite, I can't even stand to be in the same room as it :-) By Andrew(ajh), at 8:24 pm
Not very nice. Hope it all works out of your system soon.. Must say I love the Nurofen though. Have had a couple tonight for a killer headache. Normally I would go for the Bourbon but not drinking *dammit*
::1.2.07:: Go me! Today at the gym I leg pressed 80 kgs. If you look at my Monday entry, you might notice my weight is less than 80 kgs. As in I leg pressed more than body weight (I have done this before but it was on one of those hydrolic weight machines so I didn't really trust that I'd done around 100 kgs - this was using good old fashioned weight plates, you can trust those). Of course, that is nowhere near as good as Kek, who can practically leg press a Mack truck, but it rocks my world! I've been hearing lots of good stuff about pineapple juice and how it helps with muscle soreness so I had one after the gym. I don't normally drink juice - I'd prefer my fruit intact - but it was super good (it also had banana, strawberries and something else) and gave me the energy for the 5 km walk home. I am the only person who feels like a slacker if I don't walk to and from the gym as well as working out? I also read on Morsey Runs about doing 8 second intervals. I'm not sure it they really are some kind of fat burning magic but it stopped me from getting into zone out cruisey mode, which I often do on the bike. On Monday, I forgot to post my weekly challenge. I think this week's will be to try a new class at the gym.
Well, I think 80kg is pretty bloody sensational! And hey, I wasn't born LP-ing 200kg, ya know...that took me some time and training to work up to. Is that really true about pineapple juice? This old bod needs all the help it can get, I shall get onto it :) By 5:27 am , at
Pineapple juice has an acid in it that is really beneficial for gout so I would trust that it maybe has some sort of anti-inflammatory properties.
Well I can't speak for others, but *I* certainly don't feel guilty if I don't walk to and from the gym! But now I kind of wish I did...... By ali4579@gmail.com, at 11:42 am
Walk to and from the gym haha haha - Yeah freaking right. By the time I do my workouts (except UBWO) I am limping to the car! No way could I walk home. I too prefer my fruit intact, have been having heaps of fresh pineapple it's so yum. And there is no way I'd walk to/from the gym, I always end up wet from my workout and sauna, that's why I bought me scooter. LAZY TART THAT I AM. LOL and here I was feeling all impressed with my five pound leg weights for various things. You go girl! 80 kgs is awesome!
WOW 80kgs is fantastic. And I love pineapple juice...*scribbles pine jc on shopping list*. Hope I remember what my code is in the morning LOL. Wow! if i benchpressed more than my weight then it would have to be a bloody mack truck! By 10:37 pm , atI've just started on the pineapple juice myself, I quite like it and my legs don't seem too sore despite lots of running, so you never know, there might be some truth in it!
stats:current weight: start weight: total loss: goal weight:
measurements:boobs: 100 cm waist: 81 cm hips: 109 cm thighs: 50 cm
Weekly Goal Lifestyle Changing Challenge-A-RamaWeek 1 - Drink more water Week 2 - Cut out sugary treats *