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iDiet[a weight loss story]
*kathrynoh at nemesis dot com dot au* |
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::28.2.06:: Quickie... Buggered tonight. Still. Had my first class today. Still eating chocolate.
give us a bit... :P By 11:42 pm , atLOL, I was thinking the same as dg above ;-) Would love to hear about the class also!
I meant to say this in your later post but forgot !!!
::27.2.06:: Stuffed I'm stuffed. I worked until 6.45 tonight with only 10 minutes for lunch. Normally, my lunch break is not negotiable - I take half hour no matter what - but I didn't get a chance today. I missed my training run so headed into the gym and did a half hour run on the treadmill instead. Mostly I don't use the incline on the treadmill but today I put it on random and had some huge hills to run up and down. Whoa, that makes a huge difference. Afterwards I did the rower. I thought it was harder than usual so I checked the setting and it was on 9 (out of 10). Damn. No wonder I could only manage 4 minutes. I'm also stuffed because I've been eating like a piggy all day. I took a shitload of fruit to work with me so I wouldn't be tempted by chocolate, thinking I could leave some for tomorrow. Well I ate it all. Then I ate chocolate too. Well, one of the guys was given some of the super good chocolate (Haighs, I think) and he was handing them around. How the hell do you say no to that? You don't. It was damn fine too. I've noticed that when someone offers me something like that, I do eat it slowly and savour it whereas when I buy the same thing for myself I pig it. I think it comes from knowing that gift chocolate is rarity whereas I can always buy more for myself. Maybe I should restrict my chocolate eating to other people's. Well it's almost time for bed.
Good to hear your leg is good for the running again, kathryn. getting to the gym after eating a bit extra during the day, will help even things out. Well done. i was babysitting the other night and got given some chocolate, and it was gone in a flash. To make up i try to eat a little lighter the next day, and to exercise well. It is hard when you are dong long hours of work to fit time in for exercise, so you did well. By 11:00 pm , at
:) that's quite a good idea actually! I LOVE the random setting on the treadmill - it pushes me much harder than I push myself. Try covering up the display so you don't know what's coming...
Don't stress about the small piece of chocolate you ate. You certainly are working it off at the gym lately. I wish I could restrict my choc eating to other people giving it to me! Mmm, chocolate. I've been craving it today because I'm a little tired so enjoyed a bag of M&M's...slowly...very slowly. 5.5 points later, damn.
LMAO I find it funny because I am like you - I see other fat people and I want to give them some of my new found knowledge. I want to help them change and reform like I have. And then (if it's my free day) I eat rocky road and hot jam donuts. Yummy! LMAO
No way can you refuse free chocolate, that is like saying no to free alcohol. The party Gods will strike you down if you do that young lady!! hehe
::26.2.06:: Sore I went to the gym today but did a light workout cos my leg is still sore. I want to go to running training tomorrow so I hope it's better by then. Is it just me or do other people get the urge to pass on diet advice to complete strangers? I'm like a reformed smoker or a newly-converted Christian. I see someone hoeing into a jam donut at the train station and have to fight not to say anything. Of course I never do say anything. I value my life too much. And I know how totally annoying that would be. But the urge is still there.
Hi Kathryn. u should see me when I work at Nick's Fish & Chip shop... There are so many people I feel like shaking. But what can u do?? I'm sure there are heaps of customers who look at me as if I've eaten too many f&c's also. I know exactly what you mean, so many times I have had to bite my tongue! sometimes things seem so obvious to me and/or so wrong and I want to tell that person, but I just hold it in. Interesting point though :-) I actually have a funny story about something like that. This older couple was arguing at a fast food restaurant about why she wasn't losing weight even though she was eating salads. I wanted to yell back that there was more fat in her dressing (I swear to god she had like a cup of the stuff) than in his burger. I didn't say anything although my husband and I started talking about it really loudly. :P By 1:29 am , at
Well done for displaying restraint at the gym, being injured sux eggs. By CaramelKitKat, at 1:35 am I know what you mean, although it's some of my friends too as well as strangers. I sometimes just feel like I've discovered an amazing secret (even though it's just eat less-exercise more) and that I really should share it. Then I realise that it's common sense, and that if they wanted to lose weight they know where I am. Still, it kills me to see what they're doing to themselves. Yip, isn't that funny??? haha.
I am exactly the same, and I try and keep my mouth shut, as hard as that is for me. My DH has 40 kg plus to lose and he just doesn't get that he needs to give up drinking beer and do some exercise. Although I have bought him an exercise bike for his birthday this week!! (*evil grin*).
Aww poor thing, I hope your legs get better soon, but smart @ doing light workouts ~ building up endurance without added strain. LOL I do feel like it at times but of course I wouldn't. If someone starts hassling me about what I'm eating, I let it rip. I don't like people telling me what I should and shouldn't be doing unless I ask for advice and put myself out there for it. Oh but on the other hand, my mother and Dan do get some lectures sometimes :-/
::25.2.06:: 19 Years Can you remember what you were doing 19 years ago? I can. I was in the labour ward of the Queen Alexandra Hospital in Hobart. Today my baby is 19 years old. Still a baby though. I thought it was bad enough when he turned 18 but now I'm freaking - he's only a teenager for one more year. I'm far too young to have an adult son. Although I guess he is an adult - he's been living out of home for nearly year and more than capable of looking after himself. We went for our weekly outing to the market this morning then off to Northland to get his present. He wanted an Adelaide Crows footy jumper. Yeah, embarassing I know. They didn't have one that fitted so he's going to get one in the city. But I did get him a birthday treat. I took him to KFC for lunch. I used to love the Mashies they have at KFC and, ever since they bought them back, I've wanted some. They aren't nearly as good as I remember. I was tempted to stick a candle in one though and sing happy birthday but I didn't. Oh, I got a kind of compliment from my son today and, if you knew him, you'd realise how rare that is. We are talking about a boy who didn't notice I lost 30 kgs. He told me that his friends think I'm the coolest mother ever. I say "kinda compliment" because when I was a teenager people said that about my mum and I hated it. I think the difference is that I go out and be cool with my own friends while my mum used to try to hang around my friends being cool. Grrr! I was going to go for a run this morning but I've hurt my leg. I think something's gone funny in my hip. I don't think I did it running but doing squats at the gym yesterday. My PT wanted me to use the Smith's machine (I think that's what it's called) but it feels weird and awkward to me and I'm not sure if my form is right. I think from now on I'll just just a barbell instead. I don't really like the program my PT worked out for me anyway so I made up my own with a bit of help from various web sites. Doing different body parts on different days bugs me. I'd rather have a program that I can do several times a week. This is what I'm doing:
I think I'll have a lazy afternoon. I've just finished stewing up a big bag of plums and nectarines I got at the market and I've been listening to my new Beth Orton CD. There is a huge storm here and it sounds like the thunder is directly overhead. I love storms. When I was little, my mum didn't want us to be scared of storms so she'd gather my sister and I around the window or on the verandah and point out everything that was beautiful about them.
Happy bday to your son.
LOL I can relate to not thinking you are old enough to have a son that age. When I tell people my oldest is 20 this year I am always disappointed if they don't express amazement that I could have a son that age. Problem is no one ever does!!!
Love the storm story - I suspect your Mum really was cool - apart from the hanging out with your friends bit!
What a great memory of your mum and storms. Wow, that's so powerful. I am going to make an effort to do that with my son, thank you for sharing that with us! whoa- for some reason i thought you had a primary school age child! happy bday to the son :)
My daughter is 4 this year and i am hating it as she starts school in a year :( they grow up soooo fast!!!! Happy Birthday to you son! Mmm KFC, don't tempt me. Love the compliment from your son, that's cool and how about your own mum and those storms!? What beautiful way to appreciate nature. My mum would shut all the door, windows, blinds and make us sit in a dark room until the storm passed. Weirdo.
WTF... I got on the scales this morning and they were down to 76.2 kg. How weird is that, especially since I've been in the 77s all last week. I don't understand; scales just are too wack sometimes. But I'm not taking it as official until next Friday's weigh in. And yes, it's 6.30 am and I'm up and blogging. I don't understand that either. I've decided to add another rule to the three below. I'm restricting myself to one coffee or one cola drink a day this week. I know my caffeine intake has gone up with week because we have a coffee machine in the new office so I'm hoping less caffeine = more sleep for me. I've been a zombie lately. About the meetup - I'd urge anyone who is hestitant about it to come along. Being a veteran of blogging (I had personal blog for years before I started this one) not to mention internet dating etc, I've had loads of experience meeting up with people I only know from online and I've never regretted it (well okay, maybe some of the dates....). Sure, not everyone you meet is going to be your bosum buddy but it's fun and at least you aren't sitting around wondering what would have happened if you had gone.
Hey I wouldn't think twice about meeting up, if I was anywhere near Australia! You seem like a friendly and interesting person to talk to..... and I'm sure the meet up will go well.
Yeah I'm up too Kathryn. But I'm meeting Michelle at 8am for our long run!! I agree - we should take every chance we can to meet up with the peopls from Blogland - at least they're not COMPLETE strangers. Great take on meeting bloggers and stop looking at the scales! I totally understand the zombie thing and caffeine needs. What a vicious cycle to get into. I am slowly kicking it, again. if i had known you were up so early you could have come and done a lap of the Tan with me.. i was there at 7am! look forward to your weigh in next week. Bloody scales LOL.
::24.2.06:: Weigh In - 77 kgs Well I had a gain this week. Not unexpected but I have to confess something. After last Friday's weigh in (at 76.4 kg), I got on the scales Saturday morning and they were back up to the 77s. I think half my problems this week are in my thinking - well I'm going to have a gain no matter what. That is just plain stupid. Several times, I've talked about my rule of three. When things get tough and it's too hard to fix everything at once, I give myself three things rules. I figure three is an easy number. I can change three little things about my life. So here they are:
That's it for the next week. I'm not going to track. I'm not even going to worry if I gain again (well not too much).
Bugger about the gain. Your list is good and will go a long way to reverse the trend. I especially like #3 and will endeavour to get as much in as possible this weekend.
Good to see you are being more positive about things...and moving on fromn the gain to a wicked plan of action. Such a minor gain in the grand scheme of your amazing loss to date! I really like your rule of three so stick by them and be good to yourself this week :-)
::23.2.06:: Melbourne Bloggers Meetup Woohoo! March 30th in the CBD. If you are interested email hermit@ekit.com.au (which would be Lucinda) by the 10th. how scary...i'm such a sook....so intimidated to meet all these wonderful ppl i have been talking to...blah...whats the go for it???
Yaaaaaaay. You guys are going to have a great time. It will be a little nervous but take it from someone who has been there - you will be surprised at how quickly you are comfortable with the people who have supported you, commisserated with you, celebrated your victories and empathised with you when things weren't so great. Can I come, can I come? :-) I might just be in Melbourne around that time. Will let you know. You guys are going to have a blast!
Synchronicity It's weird how life works sometimes. After posting last night, I received an email from an old friend, an invitation to his 40th birthday. Well more like a pre-invitation since the party is in June and there are no details yet. This whole thing is weird in so many ways. We used to be best friends. Were for 15 years or more but haven't spoken for the past 5 years or so. I guess there is a long version and a short one to this story and I'll try to stick to the short one at the moment. Our friendship just sort of faded out - no big fights, no words said, nothing. It just ended. Bad feelings on both sides but nothing said. Instead we hurt each other and did stupid things instead of talking about the issues. There is a lot of water under that bridge. For me, fighting is always better. At least things get out in the open and you deal with them. At the same time, we were both changing the people we are. Changing in different ways. Sometimes I miss him. Of course. You can't be friends with someone for that long and not miss them. Other times, I get this intense burst of fury out of nowhere. I want to hunt him down and punch him. Mostly I'm angry because when he changed, he took my friend away - the friend that he used to be. So anyway, this party is going to be a situation where I'll be around people I haven't seen for many years. People who knew me as a different person. I feel like I've been at least 2 or 3 different people since then. It's not just a case of them having known me when I was fat (although my sister reminded me that I had to go just to show them) but back then I was, we all were big into club, into partying hard. I got out of that whole scene. It was fun for a while but I was over it all. I just stopped wanting to be that person. One of the real eye openers from all this is that it's made me see that the weight loss isn't the first or only transformation in my life. I've "reinvented myself", as they say in the celebrity mags, several times over. I've left behind the things that don't work for me and found the things that do. I can do this. How boring it would be if we were the same 'me' all our lives. Although I believe our essential personality never changes, we are different people at different stages. Our true friends not only accept that - they enjoy it.
I agree with Sue 100% - I think we are different people depending on where we are in our lives and what is happening around us.
You'll be fine, wear something gorgeous and knock all their socks off!! I had never really thought about the different 'me' a person can be, but it is so true, it all depends on the situation, and circumstances. Imagion how great the reveal of the new you will be!!
You CAN do it. You WILL do it. People who re-invent themselves are those that live life! Imagine being the same person, doing the same thing, wearing the same clothes *urgh*, boring. You are a truly remarkable woman.
::22.2.06:: I Need Sleep I've been a tired, miserable, cranky bitch lately and a tired, miserable, cranky me is an eating me. I got tempted by the nougat again today. It's my nemesis, I tells ya. A whole bunch of prickly little irritations landed in my lap today - nothing earth shattering, but enough to have me grouchy. I thought I'd get some Dole money today cos my working has been so irregular but nope. Zilch. Which left me just enough to pay the rent with NOTHING left over. I grabbed a lasagne out of the fridge for lunch and spend my $2 coin that I keep for the gym lockers on train fare, then I thought bugger it and spend $20 of my rent money on cigarettes and fruit (it was a small lasagne and I was starving). Also, I've been waiting for people to get back to me about references with little luck. There is one guy I want to use since he's with the same company that I'm applying for the new job with, but I haven't seen him for 18 months so for all I know he's moved on. And I found out my course started this week not next so I missed classes. Tomorrow has got to be better. Well it's pay day for starters *grin*. *** I've been thinking deeply about stuff lately. Like my running. It's so exciting for me to run because I've never run before. Maybe when I was a young kid, but even in high school, if we had PE and had to run laps, the teacher would look me up and down then say "you can walk it". I wasn't even encouraged to try. I think PE teachers should have to learn the correct way to deal with the fat kid - mostly they either go for ridicule (cos that is so successful in changing people's behaviour) or ignoring them completely. Of course, I never had any desire to run but maybe, if I was encouraged and told I could do it, I might have. I've also been thinking about being close to my goal. It's scary and it's a place I never thought I'd be. There is a difference between growing up fat and putting on weight when you get older. Not that it makes things easier or harder, just that you don't have any concept of yourself as anything but fat. Fat is what you are. If you are born with curly hair, you can straighten it with a hair straightener or an iron for a time but you you don't have straight hair: you have curly hair that is straightened. That's what being fat has been like to me all my life. I could start a diet, I could exercise, but I always thought I'd be a fat person. It has been part of me, sometimes all of me. The fat girl. The one who doesn't run unless there is a shoe sale, the one who has a healthy appetite, the one who drinks her own weight in margaritas (and that's a lot of margaritas, trust me). The one who jokes and laughs and is the life of the party... for a while. There are things you can't be when you are fat - like wistful or ethereal or dainty. You put those things aside and take up the ones you can be. Smart and mouthy and funny, they go with fat. Who am I? I think that's a question a few people have been asking lately. Not about me, obviously but about themselves. I don't know who I am. I have no idea who I can be or what I'm capable of. Sometimes I feel like I've forced myself into a mold - fat and unlovable. I have my work cut out for me there, I think. Lately, I've been reading Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office. It's really opened my eyes to a lot of things that have happened in my work life, things that have spilt into my personal life and shaped my whole concept of myself. I'm realising that people have made me believe I'm crap because they get something out of that, not because I really am crap. I have always had this naive belief about work - if I turned up and did well, people would notice and I'd be rewarded for that. When that didn't happen, I shut myself off. I'd not be present - physically or otherwise - and that would esculate the situation. I've done a lot of foolish things - say if an error was made and I was partly to blame. I'd take the blame, figuring the other people involved would take responsiblity for their share. Ha. Never happens. Sadly, the corporate world isn't about being nice, or being adult. I don't want to learn to play stupid political games but I do need to stand up for myself. I need to value myself and value the work I do and I need to communicate that to others. Damn it, I'm good at what I do. But no one knows if I don't say. And if I don't take credit for my own achievements then someone else will. So, the other thing I've been thinking about is sacrifices. I've been getting down because I have no money, but tonight I realised that no one has everything. No matter who you are. It isn't about having a life where everything is perfect and right. It's about deciding on what's important to you and then ensuring you have that. If you have kids, you give up a lot. You give up a lot if you don't too. There is no right or wrong. You can have money or you can have time, unless you are really lucky. My sister has money and a great job, but she works hours that I never could and would never want to. My other sister has no money and is reliant on my mum, but she has the time to do the things she wants. I'm floundering between the two. I'm floundering on many fronts. I'm going to start by not regretting the things I don't have but making sure the sacrifices I make in this life are decided by me and not thrust apon me. I think the starting place is to have a clear idea of my values - everything else springs from that.
They say that if you offered people a million dollars to permanently put on 20 kg most people would say no thanks. So maybe you were happy to work a few less weeks over summer, cos that has given you a little extra time to exercise and get to the mid 70's weight wise. By 12:05 am , at
A pretty full-on post there...and a very interesting read. Yours generally are. Your posts are both catchy and punchy with a natural, conversation-like flow - any chance you could roll a lot of this stuff into a book and be happy with it? Really just a matter of editing. By CaramelKitKat, at 12:09 am
Thank you for another interesting read - you always raise such relevant points.
You truly do have a gift for putting your thoughts into words! And such great analogies (the "straightened" curly hair, etc.).
i so indentify with parts of this post, for most of my life, i've been overweight
"people have made me believe I'm crap because they get something out of that, not because I really am crap" I still don't get why people do this. Small minded people with nothing better to do in their life than make themselves feel more important, more superior, more everything by knocking someone else down. Well these are the people who may think they have everything, but like you so succinctly said "no one has everything" I bet they have problems they are not even prepared to face and as much as you probably got the crap because you were large, you're losing the weight baby and they are always going to be pricks! thank god that theres always a tomorrow hey...and i'm you about the PE teachers...alothough I wasn't big, I was quiet and shy and never put my hand up...therefore forgeotten or pushed as someone who just didn't like sports, but its was so not true...oh well...bring on tomorrow...will be in touch
Ok I've had to read and re-read this post to wrap my own thoughts around it. Such a deep issue.
Even talking about PE classes makes my skin go cold and my stomach churn. We used to have the "smart" way of choosing teams of each captain picking one person at a time and I was (yes you guessed it) ALWAYS last picked. Most of the time they didn't even say my name, they just walked away and expected me to follow. I hated it. I also think that's my reason for not going to the gym, i'm too scared.
Bloody stupid money and working to earn a living. Some days it is tough. I only had enough money for rent and my weekly travel pass this week so I was really grumpy too on Thursday but we always work a way around it hey.
::21.2.06:: I Love Lychees I only got into lychees last summer - boy, was I missing out! I love them. I love the fiddly peeling and I love the juicy centre. I love rolling them around on my tongue and biting into the membranes. I love the sweet, almondy taste and sucking on the smooth pip. They are February's Fruit of Choice. Today was up and down. Up was walking home from work. I've moved offices so it's only 10 km now not 12. Damn it. I need that extra 2 km (only joking). It was weird - I came over all funny on my walk. Like I had a big lump in my chest restricting my airways and couldn't get enough oxygen. I figured it was either a panic attack or a heart attack and either way there wasn't much to do except keep on walking. I'd got to a bit of the track that detours from the main path - it's extremely narrow and there are no handrails - just a steep drop to the river. Since I'm a little bit scared of heights, that might have been making me panic. Last time I walked it, there was a dude riding his bike along it (despite the no bikes sign) and I had to go right near the side when he passed. I am so sick of cyclists. They whinge all the time about how discourteous drivers are but they are damn shocking. Since I've lived in Northcote, I've seen 3 people (one an old lady) knocked down by cyclists on the footpaths. There is a bike track on the road, for god sake. Use the damn thing. I had somone abuse me for not getting over to let them pass on the bridge near my house (yeah, I didn't hear their bell because of my music but again, there is a bike path). When I'm walking along the paths near my house, they act like they own them.... it's a walking path too people! Well... got that out of my system... the other bad thing today - my new office has a place of evil. Just near the kitchens is a bookcase and on top of it is a cornucopia of fund raising lollies. Boxes of the buggers in all shapes and sizes. Normally, I act like these things don't exist at all but, at this office, I've started thinking - if I were going to buy one, which one would I buy? And that kind of thinking leads to acting. Yeah, I thought I could buy a bag of peanut nougat today and stop after a sensible portion. Well I did end up throwing some away. But I ate 3/4 and threw away 1/4 instead of the other way around. I had to throw it away cos no way could I stop eating it otherwise. Nougat, I love you. I think I'm addicted to sugar. Seriously. If I go cold turkey, I'm fine but once I start with it, I can't stop. *** I had a first interview for a job this morning. I don't want to say too much - it jinxes it, don't you know. But I want it. It's somewhere I used to work and I loved the location. The work sounds easy and well paid. And it's for 6 - 12 months. The agency people seemed very keen. Fingers and toes crossed for this one. *** Tomorrow I have to come straight home from work. My landlord is coming around to collect the rent. They do this in person and with cash - because they are as dodgy as hell - and they said I could leave my rent (we all pay separately) with one of my housemates. But since they are all dodgy and totally flake too, I am not leaving money without getting a receipt. So, that means no gym after work. I'm thinking of going before work. Scary, huh. Okay, maybe not for you... but I'm the worst morning person ever. Showering, eating and getting dressed is the most I can manage. If I don't manage, I can always go for a run after paying the rent. Or run off with the rent money and buy shoes - woohoo! *** After my last post, I have to mention this (I was actually reminded by Argy's post). As I was walking home tonight, I was crossing a bridge and a woman and man were coming the other way. She was trying to balance her handbag and carry an uncovered chocolate cake. In the cake hand, she had her cigarette. Now, I love smoking as much (okay, much more) than the next person but carrying an uncovered cake across a windy bridge with a lit cigarette? Even I baulked at that. Must have been a delish cake with that unique ashy flavour.
WOw the amount you walk is amazing - I wish I had the motiavation to walk that far each day on top of all the exercise you do at the gym (when you don't have to get home to pay the rent of course !!!!)
how could someone show such disrespect for a CHOCOLATE CAKE?!?!!! By 11:01 pm , at
Damn DG keeps beating me to post first! I'll get you one of these days, pesky DG. I have never heard of lychees before. Is this an Australian fruit or am I just dense? I was watching a British show the other month and they started talking about leeks which was another vegetable I'd never heard of. I have to widen my food horizons. By Jennette Fulda, at 3:58 am
I am with you on the sugar - I am beter off cold turkey!!
I think I'm courteous when I'm riding, but will try to be a bit more aware - many of our paths are for pedestrians and bikes.] Poo. Have smoke. Enjoy it. Don't juggle god's gift with cake. Wrong. In all sorts of ways. By The Candid Bandit, at 10:57 am And, yes, fartlek is one of my FAVOURITE exercise workds. Oh, I haven't had a great lychee since I've been in Australia! I get them here in Canada but they just aren't the same. To me it was like eating a little piece of heaven. Do you find that they almost taste a little of what you would imagine roses to taste like...just a hint? yummmmmmm When I first saw it I thought they were the most bizarre little things I've ever seen, but who knew that that's what laid under that barky looking exterior. Fingers and toes are crossed!!
Hope you get the job. I am disgusted that someone would hold an uncovered chocolate cake and a cigarette at the same time, especially WITHOUT a glass of champagne to top it right off! LOL.
I like your Lychee description, yum! Christ and I'd be having a panic attack too if there was a chance I'd drop into the river LOL and as for cyclists, grrr. I live in an area where a good majority are cyclists, even my partner, but sometimes I reckon they need to be made to get a licence too and learn the rules!
::20.2.06:: Running I've been planning to the training runs for the Run For the Kids since they started last week and was all prepped to go tonight. Thought I'd miss out because my boss came over with a bunch of scanning for me to do at 5.00 (note: don't ever do that to a temp) but I put it through the scanner, got changed, chucked it on her desk and ran for the train. I made it in time and got all registered up then realised EVERYONE looked like they could run much faster than me. I wanted to just fade in the background. Then they started the warm ups and I was right up the front and felt like a goon. We started running and I did okay, although we had to go down Swanston St and I realised I might see someone I know. How embarassing would that be. Got to the Yarra and I needed to go to the toilet so I had to stop running for a while. So I alternated jogging and running until I got around to the loos. I thought I was dead last by that stage but the group leader said there were a few behind me. After my toilet break, I was sure I was way behind. I ran a bit, walked a bit and ran some more. I had just started walking again and the group leader caught me with me and made me run up a hill. After that, I ran all the back to into the city. I even overtook one of the girls who was ahead of me. Not that it matters but I like to not come last - that's winning in my book (I'm sure there is a Homer Simpson quote that's applicable here). It was great running with a group and having the leader giving advice. It was also great, albeit a shock to the system, to run outside instead of on the treadmill. Outside is much harder. I have a new running goal now - when I run by the Yarra, I want to be fast enough to steal one of those yummy smelling sausages off someone's bbq and get away with it. Afterwards, we went back to the N1ke store and got free water and fruit and had a cool down. The running people are mighty friendly and I have to go back now cos I have a frequent runner's card. I only need 7 more stamps and I get a runner's kit. I am a total sucker for that stuff. So then I went to the gym and did Body Balance. That was a great cooldown and stretch plus it got my abs exercise over with. Now don't go thinking that I'm like all good or highly motivated for going to the gym after running. I can see how you might think that but this was my rationale - I could have gone outside and caught a tram straight home but that would have meant lighting up a cigarette in full view of the running people while wating at the tram stop. So I thought I'd walk a couple of blocks to the gym and have one on the way. Of course, the showers and change room at the gym were looking awfully tempting by then too. I can't wait for my next session. If you have been thinking about going along and haven't ... eg. Lucinda... then I'd highly recommend it. I'm so enthused at the moment, it's a great feeling. Got home and the power was off so I had to light candles. Luckily it's back on now or I'd have no internet and be going crazy. *** A few people have apologised lately for leaving long comments. Don't. I love long comments. Write me an essay if you like. *** I have two possibilities for interesting longer term work come up today. Fingers crossed. Oh, and on the topic of work, I usually don't take lunch cos I hate doing that (and I'm lazy) but since I'm so poor atm I've found the ideal cheap and easy lunch. A banana roll - just duck into the supermarket and get a roll and a banana - voila! It doesn't help though when you get home so late that dinner is one of those biscuit and cheese packs on the train. I need my vegies!
go you good thing! i could just picture where you were running and that's quite a way! your sausage-stealing goal is a goodun too. hehe. By 1:35 am , at
Sounds like you had a good work out tonight - well done !
I have this hilarious image of you now...stealing a sausage during your run and then hiding away somewhere and eating it while smoking a cigarette after your run. LOL! Love it! well done on all the running - you've come such a long way. banana on crumpets is my fave.. yummo
OMG you've totally romanticised running for me again <3 THANK YOU! That sounded like such a great run and well done, taking over someone and everything!!
Goooooo you. By The Candid Bandit, at 11:47 am I was reaaly self-conscious about runnig in a group, but there's almost always someone slower than me - although that seems impossible to me. Running outside is definitely harder than on the treadmill, but so much more interesting, especially if you're as nosy as I am - love perving at people's gardens and in their kitchen windows...
Okay someone had to find the Homer Simpson applicable quote and this was the best I could come up with in the short amount of time I had to comment:
LOL at your sausage goal...stop, thief! :-) What an amazing effort. You are continually suprising me and inspiring me to really push myself too, no matter the reason. Banana on a roll? Freak LOL but you know what, I'll probably try it now. Have a great week.
Sounds great Kath - very motivating and positive. And LOL at the sausage goal! heh heh By philippa_moore, at 3:16 pm
Hey good on you! The next few are bound to be easier as you will know what to expect.
maybe you "carbed up" at the market on the weekend, in subconsciously realizing you were in for the big run soon. apparently a lot of athletes do that, cos best not to eat too much day of run so sometimes they eat some extra in the couple of days before hand. By 6:09 pm , at
It is so cool you are doing this - and I read that Philippa might be thinking about it too. Coincidince that she met up with Lucinda before the post - I think not!! LOL
wow, you are getting some awesome exercise there!! That is one hell of a yarn. Really love the idea of running with sausage in hand, ciggie in other. You could be the poster girl for ANTI-PC!! Have a great day.
Kathryn I'm so jealous that you're close enough to be able to get to these training sessions. They've got nothing out this way (apart from our own little running group).
::19.2.06:: The Girl with the Most Cake... I dunno what got into me yesterday. I mean, the pizza was bad enough but then I just seemed to not stop eating after that. I consumed everything in sight. Even Andrew was astounded and he is used to himself! I don't know what triggered that binge. I have been very tired and when I'm tired I overeat. I don't think there is anything else going on in my brain though. Maybe just money worries and job worries and the usual shite. Maybe I'm panicking because I'm getting closer to goal. My mind is a strange thing. You know what is bugging me - I seem to be hovering around the same size for the last few months. I've lost kgs but my measurements aren't moving. God damn it. I need to lose some cms. Why don't my measurements change? It's not faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaair. Anyway, today was much better. I got up and went to the gym. I didn't want to but I'd borrowed dvds last time I went and had to return them. Great motivator, huh... I had a good workout and then looked around the shops and walked home.
i can't even imagine what kind of mind games your body and brain plays on you when you are that close to goal - i have never been there. But if you can imagine feeling like I do right now, huge and lazy and bloated and disgusting, you would find the motivation that is alluding you at the moment. If you want to borrow an extra 50 kilos, I am quite willing to part with it : ) By 7:00 pm , atYou are getting closer to your goal and you have some such a long way and you have done a wonderful job. Well done for not dwelling on the overeating and getting motivated and going to the gym and walking. Don't worry about the measurements, just think about how much better and healthier you feel. Have a great week!
I reckon it's the tiredness for sure, as well as the other stuff. You just can't think straight and your body is asking for a hit of something, anything! I've had to deal with the tiredness thing lately and with stress added, not fun. It doesn't last though, remember that!
You write the most fabulous things. I have been wondering about the cms too. I am now 76.5kgs (snap!) and my measurements have changed very little in the last 3 months. I was hoping at least to not fill in my bra as much LOL.
::18.2.06:: What the hell am I doing? I went to the market this morning and just went out of control. It started with some chocolates and lollies and then I got a slice of pizza - a huge quarter of a pizza slice. They cut it in 2 so I was going to give one to Andrew but he hates Mexican pizza so I ended up eating it all. Then I gorged on the Turkish bread that was supposed to do me for lunch next week and ham and grapes and nectarines. Instead of going for a run, I came home and slept instead. I might go for a run now and minimise the damage. Damn it was good pizza though.
sounds a bit like my day.....
What are LAN games??? Sorry I'm a bit dumb. :S Well at least your binge tasted good LOL. These days I just can't explain because I've had a few of them myself. I guess some days we just need to go *rah*. Can't be bloody good all the time hey ;-) At least you ate something yummy and enjoyed it, not just stuffed your gob with mediocre junk! You'll more than make up for it, I'm sure. Hope you're having a great weekend! By philippa_moore, at 1:03 pm
That pizza is good! I had it once at the market with a friend...the slices are huge...still you ENJOYED it :)
Mornings Suck I know I've been sounding a little blah lately. One of the problems is that I've been waking up at 5 am every morning and end up laying in bed, trying to get back to sleep until my alarm goes off at 7. It drives me nuts and if it keeps happening next week, I'm going to bite the bullet and get up and go for a run. Surviving on 6 hours sleep a night is not good for me. It's not good for the tighter than tight budget either cos it means that I have to go splurge a whole $3 on coffee when I get to work. When the budget is this tight, those 3 bucks really hurt. The good news is that I'm working again next week - woohoo! I think I mentioned in my last post, it's a teensy bit closer (cuts out 2-3 train stops), not that much in train time but it makes my walk home shorter. I tried to get the distances the other night - I used whereis.com.au to get the road part and I know the section of the Merri Trail I walk is 3 km but couldn't get the distance for the Yarra Trail section because whereis only thinks people walk on roads! In the end, I got a piece of string and held it up to my computer screen and wound it around the Yarra then used the thingo (is it called a legend? you know that says like 1 cm = 1 km) to work it out. Oh and when I say a piece of string, I actually mean the velvet ribbon off a choker because I own nothing practical like string. The walk is over 12 km! It takes me about 2 1/2 hours so that makes me feel much more confident about the Race For The Kids run at 14.7 km. This walk has some big hills and it is much slower walking when you have to deal with roads and traffic and interesting shops. *** I know it's not good to compare yourself with other people at the gym or to mock anyone's efforts to get in shape, but the other night at the gym a guy was bench pressing on the Smith's Machine and I thought he looked like he really wasn't doing much - maybe not more than 10 kgs. After he finished, I went over to check it out - hey, I had to use it anyway - and he had on 2 2.5 kg weights. That's 5 kgs. Maybe he had a reason, maybe he was recovering from an injury or something, but seriously, my Nan could bench press more than that. And she's 93. And extremely frail. Another funny gym story - when I stretching last night, a guy walked past the mirrors. He's checking out his muscles, thinking "boy do I look buff" and gives a little flex of the arm then trips over a medicine ball. *** I'm off to the market this morning. I've missed the last few weeks cos Andrew has been having big weekends and isn't home on Saturday mornings. I can't go alone, I'd have to carry my own stuff. And well, I'd miss him. My mum asked me what he's been up to on his Friday nights out and I told her he is taking drugs and picking up hookers. She said I shouldn't say that but I think that is far less embarassing than admitting he's out playing LAN games. How did I raise such a geek? It is interesting what you say about the average weight, so i guess average weight for your height would be in the low 70's. You are nearly about to enter low 70's, and cos you are getting fit at the gym with muscle tone, you probably already look low 70's. I am 72kg at the moment, having got down from about 94kg. I really noticed that once i got to about 74kg (which tied in with me having a bit of a shop around), that their are indeed a lot of terrific clothes items at recycled shops now that fit and look nice. i got some tshirts in blue and purple, after only wearing black for years. And got a nice girls fitting long wool coat for a bargain, after only wearing boys long coat last few winters. Also got some stretch jeans, skirts and even 2 slimming belts. Long time since i had worn a belt so i had none in the cupboard. I am on a tight budget like you are,so i thought i would encourage you with getting into the low 70's cos the best part for me was being able to pick up some bargain clothes that look really nice. i still want to get back to my old weight from years ago of 64 kg. But i read that over the last few years mostly everyone is at least 8 kg heavier on average. Possibly this is where i feel averagely comfortable at the 72kg but still cannot fit into my old clothes. So thats where it was a great surprise to realize there are a lot of bargains to be found now i am a more average size. By 1:33 pm , atYou always seem to have the funny stuff happen to you! You wouldn't believe it but my brther took off with his camera and I have no photos of us! So Upset
I so understand about the lack of sleep thing. For the past few months I have been getting about 6 hours interrupted sleep .. I have problems getting to sleep, once I do I keep on waking up and then I wake up fully about 5.30. Everyone is starting to tell me how tired I am looking and half the people are asking me if I 'am actually eating anything'! Ok I look tired but I don't look stupid enough to starve myself.
Bite the bullet, run :-) I love exercising in the morning and you might even find that it helps you go to bed earlier in the evening so you get a better sleep. I understand about the $3. I am in budget zone too. Still laughing so hard about that muscle-flexing guy tripping over the medicine ball!! That would have been so funny to see!! By philippa_moore, at 1:02 pm
::17.2.06:: Weigh In - 76.5 kgs I guess that's a respectable loss but I'm feeling a bit blah about it today. I think it's hard at the moment cos in the past I've always focused on the next 5 kgs but now I can't help but look at the whole picture. I'm 6.5 kgs away from my goal. I guess, in the old measurements, that's just one piddly stone. Still I'll be glad to get under 75 kgs - it will make it seem more real. Now, must get in the shower or I'll be late for work. I've worked 4 days this week and they want me back next week too. The travel time (nearly an hour each way) is getting me down but I think when I have money - next week is my first paycheck in ages that isn't entirely earmarked for bills - I'll feel much better. Time to buy me a treat.
Just look at that number!! 76.5kg is excellent! Congrat's on another loss :o)
I would be ecstatic to be 76.5, but i'm hoping to be there soon. 1 hour travel is crappy, but I guess it's all relative to how much you're getting paid and how much you need the money. Have a great weekend, Well done on the loss babe and hey, use the travel time to write! :-) great loss, 76.5kg thats amazing and so close to goal. you will be there before you know it By Baby Bump Wanted, at 9:14 pm
Only 1.5kgs until the last 5kgs! Maybe you could think of it like that.
That's a pound a half- you are mental not to be happy with that woman!
::16.2.06:: Rest I'm having a rest day today. My weary body needs a break. Tonight I was browsing through a magazine (forget which one) and it had the averages for Australian women. Average size is 16. Average height is 164 cm and average weight is 69 kgs. That means I'm less than 10 kilograms over the average weight but since I'm 4 cm taller, I'm not really that overweight. The average hip measurement is around 97 cm and the average bra size is 14c. Buggers me how the average size is also the biggest most manufacturers make. It's almost impossible to find a fashion bra over a 14c (if they even go that high) and even rarer to find a fashion label over a 16. I know it's been said a zillion times but why? It's just not good business sense. It also struck me with a wallop, after reading this incredibly insightful post (found via the delightful Shauna), that soon I'll be having to maintain my weight. Forever. That scares me. The thrill of seeing the number decline on the scales each week is a hella powerful motivator for me. Is it just me or do other people get to the point where you are no longer motivated by the reason for which you originally started losing weight and instead the weight loss itself is the motivator? Does that make sense? I mean, you just want to lose weight for the sake of losing weight - it's no longer about health or looks, it's about a smaller number. I guess I have other things to motivate me now - running goals. Since I can run 5K, I want to do it faster and with incline and outdoors. Running on the treadmill with no incline is kinda like having the training wheels on, not that I want to downplay my achievement in any way. Maintenance sounds hard. I think I'll miss losing weight. It's the only thing that's kept me together at times in the past year. I got a new work skirt at the op shop yesterday and damn my legs look good in it. I wore it today and I couldn't stop perving on myself. I spent the day looking for reflective surfaces so I could check them out. I fear I'm getting awfully vain. Anyway, I'll finish up tonight with a funny story. I only have one pair of work shoes and they have very thin soles and hurt my poor little baby feet if I have to walk too far - like from the train station to work - so tonight on the way home I went into a shop and got some inner soles for them. Waiting for the train, I was so amused at my nanna-like joy at having inner soles that I had to put them in straight away. I had one in my shoe when the train came so did up my shoe and got on board. As the train pulled out of the station, I looked down at the packet and realised the other inner sole had fallen out on the platform. If, but some weirdarsed coincidence, someone reading this found a single inner sole at Camberwell station tonight, my left foot would really appreciate it if you could send it to me.
:D By 2:42 am , at
enjpy your rest day! I think successful maintenance depends on your emotional health. After the "you look great" comments stop because everyone is used to seeing you skinny, the drama is gone. I got so focused on not gaining weight that my entire life revolved around food and exercise. I stopped going out to eat for fear that I'd be too tempted to order something unhealthy. I forced myself to exercise no matter how tired or sick I was. By wife2abadge, at 7:04 am
I'm scared about maintenance too, but i'm still thinking i'll never get there so i'm putting it out of my mind right now!!
Fashion...mmm, I have asked a designer that question about size and the honest answer was that their clothes don't look good on "fat" people. They have an "image" they want to protray with their label. I know it sucks but I can see their point of view, not necessarily agree with it but fine. I have a vision for my art too and wouldn't want it shown in certain say galleries or something. Just trying to make some sense of it.
It is good to think of things to work towards otherwise you could hit goal and go WTF now? Improving the 5km run time sounds great, you could also enter duathalon or something similar, work on toning etc. The options are endless.
::15.2.06:: Even More Buggered Damn, I did NOT want to go to the gym tonight. I felt tired and cranky and over it all. The funny thing, I'm starting to find is that those are the nights I work out best. Once I get into the gym, I'm fine. More than fine. I'm dandy too. Maybe it's because I channel all that crotchetiness into my workout. So tonight I got on the treadmill and ran 5K. Hell, bugger modesty: I ran 5K!!!! That's one thing I can cross off my list for this year. I am so happy but so incredibly sore. See, stupid me had a sore ankle from walking home last night. It was fine while I was on the treadmill and fine while I did my weights session afterwards but when I'd showered and was leavng the gym I could hardly walk. What's a shin splint? I think it could be that - the shin above my ankle is really painful and it hurts to bend my foot. As I limping down Russell St to the tram, past the dodgy amusement places, I was stopped several times by young guys asking if I was right. Their concern warmed my heart until I thought about it. They weren't worried about my wellbeing but trying to sell me drugs! Now that's something that never happened to me before I lost weight. I could go to the dodgiest areas of Melbourne, I lived in Footscray for god sake, and never ever got offered drugs on the street. Oh weight loss, is there anything it can't do? It even helps you get a smack addiction. You know what one of the biggest drawbacks of eating healthy is? When you have a big cookup to freeze for later, you don't have a ready supply of takeaway containers to use. I have about 3-4 that I've knicked off my housemates and they are all being used. I have a heap of chicken in the freezer that I want to make into something and I have to wait until I have some containers for it. Yeah, I could buy some but that costs money. Finally, a couple of people asked for my chilli recipe but I rarely use recipes for anything - maybe the first time I cook something new but then I just improvise. So this is my basic method o' cooking: Cook up some onion and brown some low fat mince (add some stock if you need liquid). Chuck in a tin of tomatoes, more stock, kidney beans and whatever vegies you have on hand and cook up for a while. Oh yeah, and chilli powder. I like to serve it with sweet chili sauce and a dollop of plain yoghurt and heaps of coriander. I think I chucked a bit of cumin in with the chilli powder last night too. And the other thing - I dunno if other people do this but whenever I cook anything with mince, I put in a heap of red lentils too - it has a similar texture to the mince and makes it more diet-friendly and cheaper. The first time I did this, Andrew went on about "not eating hippy shit" but he was so impressed that even he (and he is king o'meat) chucks in lentils now.
i do that too! i'm a tightarse! but it means more leftovers, more nutrition... and stinkier farts if you're not careful. By 1:27 am , atMaybe you need a rest day?? ie No exercise??? hmmmm as challenging as it sounds, it is do-able.
Yay for 5kms! That is a wonderful achievement! Woohoo for running 5km!!! You just fabulous :o)
I never use recipes either, even the first time i'm apt to change things! LOL. Yay for running 5 ks (envisage YAY in HUGE font!!). It is pretty funny about the drug dealers though. LMAO.
Whooo Hooooo for running 5KM's. That is fantastic. Way to go Kathryn. Congrats on the 5k, next it will be 10!!! Take care of that ankle!
lol to the drug dealers...my bf has long hair and gets the typical freaks coming up to him...we even had the car cased in footscray once (fun)
Well done for DOING IT ANYWAY and for running 5km. What an achievement! Is your shin/ankle better now?? I hope so! I always remind myself of the feeling AFTER a work out and it usually gets me moving too.
5km - go you! You are going to whip my arse running this year...or should I say you running you me walking and jogging a bit.
::14.2.06:: Buggered I walked home from work again tonight - 2.5 hours of walking. Not to mention the walking I did getting to and from trams this morning and a good half hour or so at lunchtime. I'll sleep well tonight. When I got home, I made a huge pot of chilli. My freezer is getting well stocked now - chili, beef stir fry and lasagne. Much better than Lean Cuisine. Arrrghhh.... brain dead... can't write.
Hey Kath, can u email me your chilli recipe pretty please :-) You're showing some dedication. Hope you had a good sleep.
Hmmhhmm chilli. Well done on your walking, you must have sore feet too! I hope your brain is feeling a bit better today. 2.5 hours of walking is fantastic - just don't wear yourself out! You're right -- homemade is 10,000 times better than frozen dinners --ick. By wife2abadge, at 11:23 am thats a mighty long walk...and walking can take it out of ya (as i reveal in my latest post) take care So we're all coming over to you place now and walking with you LOL. You are going great guns with the motivation!! you will be needing new shoes soon!
well done on the exercise. By 8:46 pm , at
::13.2.06:: The Biggest Loser So, just finished watching the first episode and I'm mad. There is just so much wrong with this show. I always have a problem with people spilling their personal lives for the tv cameras - whether it's someone discussing their brazillian wax on Big Brother or long lost siblings being reunited on a current affairs show - and when it's an issue that I feel close to, like weight loss, it angers me even more. I guess that might seem strange to some people since I talk about a lot of personal stuff on my blog but to me the difference is that I'm in control. I don't have some producer or editor rearranging my words to make a tear-jerking story or a soap opera of my life. Where to even start on this - I guess the weigh in. Sure it's humiliating to get stripped off and weighed on television. Nowhere to hide there. But come on - it's not like they didn't know. You sign up for the show with the full knowledge that you become public property so why make a huge drama out of it? And the last meal - nothing, and I mean nothing, would make me gorge myself in front of a television camera. At least there was one voice of sanity among them. But I think the thing that really stuck in my throat was that these people say they want to lose weigh more than anything in the world, that they will do anything yet they need the help of Bob and Jillian and a whole television show to do it. They can't educate themselves? They can't motivate themselves? They can't get the help they need elsewhere? To me that just doesn't ring true. Maybe it's easy for me to sit at home and judge them and maybe I'm wrong - after all, it took me a long time to actually get to the point where stopped talking the talk and starting walking the walk - but for me, the prime reason I've managed to lose weight is that I finally took responsibility for my own issues and did things myself. That's what I'm not seeing on The Biggest Loser. I'm seeing people crying - rescue me, save me from myself. Maybe as the show progresses they'll learn to help themselves. I hope so because I don't think we can really change until we take that responsibility for ourselves. I'm sure plenty of people will disagree with me and plenty of you will be inspired and/or motivated by the show. Fair enough. I might keep watching it to see if I can pick up some training tips or other hints but the only part of tonight's show I enjoyed was the contestants showing their "dream" outfits. That was the only bit that felt real and not (to quote one of my favourite books - A Prayer For Owen Meany) "made for television". *** PS. What's the deal with AJ. Rochester? In her book she says she lost 45 kgs and went from a size 24 to a size 12 then in the Woman's Weekly it was a 80 kg loss and then on the BL she is saying a 60+ kg loss and that she went from size 28. I can understand the change in sizes if the program is intended for airing in the US as well but that is a huge difference in the kgs lost.
I thought about going on the show for a nanosecond. But there was no way in hell I was going to have my life, and more importantly that of my family spouted all over Australia. As you put it, at least with the blog it is WE who have the control.
You echoed so many of the comments that DH said as he was watching the show. The weigh in did it for him too. I have to put my hand up and admit that whilst I know they knew it was coming it still didn't stop me from having a tear at the thought of their pain and humiliation and realisation that they were as big as they were. Even if it was for the camera's. (though - as a sidenote - I cry at hallmark & Johnson baby ads too) LOL Sorry for the really long comment :D Have a great week
You have got me interested - think I may have to watch one show just to see what it is all about. All I know about it is what M told me on the weekend (how sad is that!!. It certainly sounds like there are a few contraversial (sp?) issues happening. I'm with you on this - not just about this show (I've only every seen the shorts), but about all so-called reality TV. I just can't bear it.
Lot's of excellent points. I taped it, so will watch it tonight.
I agree with you completely, and I didn't watch last night's show, but that's because I was out walking 5km to the supermarket and back (yay me). I will be watching tonight though, and like M, I do get teary and probably will feel for them, but then it's TV and I will remember that even though they say it's "reality" TV, it's still staged. Thanks for your thoughts, it's great to read your thoughts on this whole parlaver (??sp). LOL.
It's weird because I actually warmed to the show since the American Version aired last year, but I agree with a lot of what you said. p.s. I don't know how well my eye sight is @ the whole wondering about AJ's size beacuse I had to type in word verifiation THREE times before it was right LOL
I personally really enjoy TBL because I get a lot out of it (eg. exercise tips) and chill out time in the evening but I agree with your review of the show also. You make valid points about reality TV and as I work in media too, I am only too aware but I like the show. I think it's well done. I also like perving on Bob and Jillian :-) Yip I'm with you! I could never ever ever eat have a crazy "last meal" Like that!! No WAY!
Right there with you on AJ Rochester. Those arms aren't the arms of a size 12. ;) And I don't quite fully believe her story either.
i had a friend actually apply to go on the show, however got pregnant and called them to inform them, and they told her that was ok, she was too tall for her weight anyway... By 8:49 pm , at
Yup, Im lovin' Tracey. That girl has class. By The Candid Bandit, at 11:31 pm
You do hear on some people's blog that they have the big eat up prior to starting the diet tomorrow. After a carb up our weight can show up as up to 5 kg extra.(water weight and xs food in body) So then it makes the next weigh in look great, after low carbs. So yep its just a tv thing to help make the loss look more for week1. That is stupid i agree. By 3:25 am , atThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator. By 10:00 pm , attest
Time To Get Serious! Last night I decided I have to stop faffing around with this stuff. I've got 7.2 kgs to lose to get to goal and once that's gone I can slacken off a bit. Well not too much but the occasional treats can wait until then. The glasses of wine and snack sized chocolates and banana bread at Borders cafe will still be there when I'm at goal. They aren't going anywhere. I've gotten soft, folks. The rot has set in. Since the beginning of the year really my eating hasn't been good. The only thing that has kept me losing is that I've been doing a shitload of exercise. That's not good enough. The bad habits are creeping back and I have to nip them in the bud cos the minute I cut back on the exercise, I'll put on weight. My friend's wedding is in 6 weeks. That's 5 weeks until my friend's come home. I can lose at least 5 kilograms in that time. If I want to look my best, I've got to give it my best. So, this is the deal:
I'm not going to say that I'll get down to 70 kgs in the next 6 weeks. That's a 7.2 kg loss and I think that's unreasonable, but I'm going to get as close to it as I can.
Awesome pump up post! I need to do this too, I've been slacking so much and losing the same 500g for the last 2wks. sounds like a plan! I'm glad I read your blog 1st up this morning.. you are sooo going to do this! Perfect timing - exercise is the only thing that's been saving my arse (literally) as well. Thanks!
What a great post Kath - I feel like you're really psyched to get moving again. You say such sensible things too - the icecreams, the grog, the treats that I have all too often will still be there when I'm at goal! What a wise girl you are. By philippa_moore, at 9:23 am
Go Girl! You make me want to run outside now...except I'm off to the dr, so i'll wait to bob about afterwards. i've felt this way too...although u seem to be getting some results....i dont think i have had any....yep so this is the time to get serious....and kathryn u have it in u...i'm totaly behind and i'm sure everyone else is too...go go go!
Thanks for your comments Kathryn - wowsers? It's not that great ;) No they are the same glasses I had on when we met at SIS - it's just the makeup, hair and no sweat make me look alot different, if I have my hair straight I look like another person - one of my best friends walked past me the other day because she didn't recognise me with the straight hair.
yeah! great idea. faraway, so close, i know the feeling! By 11:37 pm , atI've got two weddings in May and June and I've been thinking similar thoughts. Like, I've just noticed that all formal dresses have no sleeves! What?! So, I now have 3 months to try and make my upper arms less flabby. Or crochet a jacket :) By Jennette Fulda, at 2:20 am
You can do it! With that attitude you are going to do really well, GO FOR IT! I know you can do it :-)
::12.2.06:: Migraine Thanks for all your lovely comments on my last entry. It's been a great year. I woke up yesterday feeling off colour. I'd been out with my friend, Sugar Lips, on Friday night and drank a little alcohol - not a lot, just a couple of glasses of wine - so I thought I had a woosy-girlie hangover but it got worse as the day went on. For some reason, whenever I get a migraine, I have this huge denial and think if I put off dealing with it, it will go away. But migraines never do - they are persistent little buggers. I should have seen this one coming. Whenever I have about 3-4 days without enough sleep in a row - bingo! Migraine. So I slept a lot yesterday. Then I got up and realised I needed food and that maybe a walk would do me good. I ended up going to Piedmontes - a little supermarket in North Fitzroy. But the whole time I had that disjointed feeling. I guess it's hard to describe to someone who doesn't get migraines but, for me anyway, when I have to do stuff like that it's kind of like I can make myself go through the motions but I'm really not there. Shopping is very hard because even the simplest of decisions becomes impossible. I managed to get some fruit and other things I needed then I noticed their bakery section. They have lots of little cakes and biscuits and things and I felt like a treat. I think I hovered around for ages. To make the decision even harder they have the nutritional info for everything beside it so I wanted to get something nice but not too calorific. I ended up getting this little almond ball thing. Very yummy. So I came home and spent the rest of the day in bed. I'd planned to go to see Walk the Line but figured there was no way I could sit through it. Maybe I'll go tonight. I'm still feeling whoozy and blah. Also feeling bad cos this has meant no exercise (apart from the short walk yesterday) all weekend. Maybe I'll attempt something this afternoon but I don't think I'll be pushing myself too hard. Hope you are feeling better soon babe and don't worry about the exercise. A day off here and there isn't going to mess you around too much. Be good to yourself. Migraines suck! Luckily I hardly ever get them. Hope you're feeling better. take care and don't worry about 1 day without exercise. Migarines are a killer and not much you can do except rest. I understand all to well what you mean about that spaced out feeling.
Hey there, I hope you are feeling much better. I have never had a migrane, touch wood, but it sure doesn't seem all that nice. hey hope u are feeling heaps better soon! just reading yesterdays post - congrats on your anniversry & all you have acheived! Poor you. I used to suffer badly from migraines so I know what you are talking about. Touch wood I seem to have grown out of them or whatever was the trigger has gone from my life. I hope you are feeling better soon. Happy Anniversary and congratulations on your fantastic achievements. There's some major stuff in those milestones, you should be very proud. Hope u are feeling better. I dont suffer from migraines but can imagine that all u would want to do is keep your eyes closed and sleep.
I hope that you are feeling better soon - take care and look after yourself - Michelle is right - not much else to do except rest. Hope you are feeling better now. Well done on your great choice at the bakery section. Very restrained :D You said the 4-letter "M" word!!! They're funny things, so different for everyone; mine put me in bed for 2 days and with hangover-like symptoms for a further 2, a friend gets them every TOTM but can still function and another vomits then feels fine. The only thing that even goes part of the way to knocking me out is Mersyndol. Hope yours disappears soon. By CaramelKitKat, at 11:48 pm Hope you are much better. Migraines are so horrible.
Don't worry about the lack of exercise .. concetrate on getting yourself better! I have never had a migraine so can't even begin to imagine how horrible it must be ...
::10.2.06:: A Kinda, Sorta Anniversary I thought today was my anniversary - one year of weight loss - but looking back over my archives, I'm not sure. I had some mix ups between my old scales and the new ones near the start and weird shennanigans like that, but since 10 Feb 2005 was the date on which I recorded my starting stuff in my Slimmers Magazine diary, I'm taking it from that date. So in the past 12 months I've lost:
I've also gone from no exercise to working out everyday. I can run. I can make it through a whole Spin class. I can walk forever and think nothing of a 5 km stroll into the city. I'm the one saying - it's not far, let's walk it - rather than - is it any further? I can shop in regular size stores for the first time in my life. My main clothes problem now is that everything is too big. I can buy what I want because I like it not because that's all that fits or it's the only thing that covers the bulges. I don't have to buy stretch fabrics or elastic waists cos that's the only thing that fits even in the biggest size. My blood sugar levels and cholestrol is back to normal. I no longer get irritating side effects from diabetes ie. the regular reoccuring thrust I used to get (sorry if that's tmi, but it's worth losing the weight for that along, trust me). I don't have that constant feeling of weariness. I know that I can do this. Recently I read back over my archives and it's amazing to have a record of this past year. Just to know that I've binged and made mistakes and slackened off or had setbacks in the past but bounced back each time is so reassuring. I can trust that even if I have bad days in the future, they don't signify the start of the end. A bad day is just a bad day, nothing more. The other days can and will be good ones. I can keep this going no matter what other shit life throws at me because in the end I know this is what I want. Plus in the past year I've found all the support and kindness online - you guys rock ... but you know that already. So, what's ahead? I think I need to focus on finding balance. I enroled in my writing course today and that is going to take up two nights a week. Hopefully soon I'll be working more constantly too. That means working exercise around those things and getting super organised. I'm good at going gungho on things - full on exercise or full on writing or whatever - and ignoring everything else but that isn't the ideal way. I need to have a bit of everything going on. Balance is the key.
holy crap what amazing statistics... it is incredible how far you have come, and it's been great reading all about these changes. good on ya! By 9:30 pm , at
Bloody hell Kathryn! You have done some job! I'm impressed and inspired by you. wow...u have come so far, and u did, and I see yet again another loss (go u) if u can achieve so much in a year...just image what u can do with this one thats here...have a good weekend
Who cares about the exact date with *those* accomplishments!
Happy anniversary! Well done on everything you've achieved. I actually read over your archives a few weeks ago. I wanted to see if you, a successful loser, had problems early on like I am having. The exact same thing struck me, you just kept bouncing back. I had a giggle when you were excited about losing 5kg - I wonder what that you would have said at the time had they known you were going to be 30+kg lighter by this time?? By CaramelKitKat, at 7:54 am
One word. By The Candid Bandit, at 10:35 am
You are amazing. You have come so far physically and mentally. I am so totally inspired by you. Thank you for letting us share your journey. Happy Anniversary!
Kathryn what an amazing year you've had. What an absolutely fantastic year you've had - health, weight, fitness, the lot. You should be very proud of yourself. And I'm sure balance will come.
My god!!!! It is always soooooo impressive to see the things written down like this!!!! what fantastic stats. well done Kathryn - you work so hard so u deserve it. Hello, I am from calorieking, Can you please contact me epineh to let me know how you are going with the valentine swap Thanks heaps
A time to comment on the inspiration that you are to me. Many blogs inspire and drive me, yours is one of the top 3! You really know how to write in a way that holds the attention. I think that you have come so far in a year that you should be patting yourself on the back.
I have nearly been doing this for a year too (started 22 Feb last year) and this weekend I have been thinking about the changes in me since last year! Your entry just summed up my thoughts exactly! What an awesome achievement Kathryn and isn't it so funny to see yourself as someone who exercises now? I think it's fantastic!! Balance is definitely the key and I look forward to following you on your journey this year also. You have a great unique perspective on things and I appreciate the issues you choose to discuss in your blog. You're a gem!
Happy Anniversary to you dear Kathryn!
WOW what an amazing effort for the year. Congratulations on the goals you have achieved, the successes so far, and for the knowledge gained along the way. Knowledge that you have readily imparted which has helped in countless ways.
Weigh In - 77.2 Not much of a loss but at least it is a loss. Next week will be better.
couldn't have said it better ;D
Good luck this week Kathryn. You have helped clear up a problem with me too. I also work in actic temperatures. 35 degrees outside, 2 shirts and a cardigan inside. Now I know why I have been having the cravings. Thanks.
its a loss woohoo. mini goal of 70 will come and go in no time By Baby Bump Wanted, at 2:56 pm
A loss is still a loss no matter how small ... just takes you a small step closer to your goal
A loss is a loss and that's good in my books, congratulations!.
Every time someone says "a loss is a loss" I think of the Mr Ed theme song! hehe - hope that made you laugh. Have a great weekend. Great loss - well done!! By philippa_moore, at 12:55 pm You're still getting closer to you goal babe, good going :-)
::9.2.06:: Life I wasn't going to go to the gym tonight but figured since I didn't go yesterday, I'd better not skip or I'd start developing bad habits. So I intended doing a light workout, got on the treadmill and warmed up then ran for 11 minutes...had a 4 minute walk break then ran for 25 minutes. Then I did lots of pushups and other arm stuff. Woohoo. Sometimes you just need to get started. I'd had to stay back late at work so by the time I left the gym I was the last one there. It was kinda nice, like having my own personal gym, until I was getting changed after my shower. Just think of any horror movie set in a high school (or the entire first season of Buffy). Every time you see someone alone in a locker room you know they are going to end up finding or being a corpse. Luckily, I'm too big to stuff in one of those tiny lockers. Then I headed to the supermarket to get something for dinner. That old dieting advice about not shopping when you are hungry is bunk. I was starving and all I wanted was protein and salad. I was far too hungry to care about chocolate. I worked out today why I've been such a piggy lately. You know, it's easy to get wrapped up in the psychology of weight loss and try to analyse all the deep issues that lead you to eat but sometimes the answer is far more simple. See the office I've been temping in is freezing. The air con is set to arctic temperatures. Seriously, today I was so cold, I took my backpack to the bathroom and put on my running tights and singlet under my work clothes. At least I was warm. Being so cold (plus overtired from this week's running around) means I've been craving carbs like no one's business. I'm back there next week and I'm going to make sure I have a big, thick jumper in my bag even on the hottest days. Plus I'm going to pack my food. When hyperthermia is about to set in and you are in a canteen with the choice of fruit stored in a fridge or a piping hot muffin from the oven, it's damn hard to pick fruit! Arrggh, without going into too much detail about my financial doings, I found out today the bank is screwing me over and I need to give them $$$. Banks are evil buttmunchers. I'm meeting my sister for breakfast tomorrow and think I'll need to hit her up for loan to tide me over until work picks up. I hate doing that kind of thing so much. Just got to keep remembering she's had no qualms about asking me for loans in the past.
What does it say about me that the first thing I thought was "yeah, but you'd fit in five tiny lockers"...too many slasher movies me thinks. By CaramelKitKat, at 12:10 am Think how many calories the shivering must be burning!
I was thinking the same as Sue. The office in Taiwan where Al is working is absolutely freezing and I had to send over some warm slippers (they can't wear shoes inside) for him. The weather there is freezing at the moment - hard to comprehend when we are talking given how we are sweltering here.
Try HSBC bank...no fees!!
oooh I know what you mean about the cold, and its effect. I keep thinking how much harder this weight loss is going to be when its freezing and raining. (Much like it is at the moment.)
::8.2.06:: Tired I was going to go to the gym tonight but I felt so blah so I came home and slept instead. Now I feel like I'm getting the flu ----- arrrrrgghhh! I don't need this. I can't afford not to work. I had another interview today - I don't think I had the skills they were looking for though. It shits me. Surely employers have some kind of moral obligation not to drag you in for an interview when you aren't going to get the job. It's not like I have hidden skills I don't list on my resume, you know just as a hidden surprise. Interviews are time consuming and mean that I'm not working so not getting paid for that time. It bugs me when I don't even have a chance of getting the job. Somehow, with all my piggery, I don't think I'll have a loss this week. I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles. Mmmm... cookie.
I just came on to blog so I could stop thinking about food. D'oh!! LOL. Usually with interviews, if you have all of the "Essential criteria" they can't not interview you, it's a legal requirement. Hope you find something soon. Mmm, cookie. Good luck with the interviews babe. I am at this stage too now and agree they are time consuming. I hate canvassing for clients sometimes but it's good when you get a contract. Be good to yourself and I hope you don't get sick! oh no...not the dreaded flu...i think i'm almost at 7weeks with mine qand it wont go away...my advise see a dr early...who knows how interviews work these day...but good luck with it all
Hope you are feeling better soon - it is lousy to get sick when you are getting into your exercise and wanting to do things. Are you okay mate? Sound a little down and flat. You are a great person with a great outlook on life and you will find just that extra special something soon and that is why things are taking there time. Hold on in there.
::7.2.06:: Walk I walked home from work today - I'm not sure how far it was. On the map it is around 10 km if I walked the direct way, but I got to Richmond then walked along the Yarra trail then the Merri Creek trail. Longer but far more scenic. It's the first time I've been on a long walk in ages - I've been so much more focused on running lately. I like walking, it's not just exercise but mediative as well. Great to see you mix it around, with your exercise, sounds like you are on a real groove with that. By 1:18 am , atI walked last night too - definitely better for the soul (and the dog) than running. Good for you. That is quite a walk.
What a great long walk - you are right, walking is very meditative. **Note to self - get out walking more often than I have been **
I know what you mean about walking being meditative. I find I love listening to the birds, the sun shining on my face, the fresh air, the flowers & trees whistling in the breeze..it makes me realise how beautiful the world is. It is very reflective and inspiring!! always makes me smile going for a good walk on a gorgeous day!! I am grateful to have the experience!!
Yeah I agress with you on the walking! That's a huge walk. And it would have been such a nice walk with that view too. I feel peaceful just thinking about it :D Sounds perfect! The meditative part is why I like walking so much myself. I can really thrash around ideas. Reminds me to buy a dictaphone or take pen/paper with me.
::6.2.06:: Stuffed I am buggered tonight - went to the gym after work and got stuck into the running then Body Balance. Body Balance is a great class for stretching and winding down but it doesn't finish until 8.15 so by the time I showered and got changed then caught the tram home, it was late. Run in the door, grabbed some stuff and threw together a stir fry (making enough for 4 meals) and, while that was cooking, stewed up some plums that are getting a bit old to have on my brekkie. I didn't have any spices to put in them so used some of my chai masala mix (yum, it's good, I'm having some with icecream right now). So it's 10.30 and I've just got to sit down at the computer... and it's almost time to go to bed so I can get up and do it all again. I've got a feeling this whole week is going to be like this. Michelle (and anyone else who is interested) - they said it was around $3000 - 5000 for a tummy tuck after medicare and private health insurance rebates. I know you can get some tax rebates if you have medical costs over $1,500 as well - not sure if they had taken that off as well. You also have to maintain your goal weight for quite a while before they will do it. It can mean up to 2 months off work to recover. The people I spoke to work for a female cosmetic surgeon which I think would be more reassuring than going to a man. Middle aged, male doctors are the pits! If I'm going to spend serious money on my appearance though, my teeth are top priority. After all, people see them! Oh yeah, I've been a Piggy McPig this weekend (well starting from the middle of last week really). I don't know what my problem is at the moment. I feel a lot less piggy after the gym tonight though and i got my butt into gear and got fruit for work tomorrow so I'm not hanging out for lunch then running to the caf for a muffin like today.
goddamn... i better start saving the big bucks :) By 2:54 am , at
Don't cha just love it when you are busy busy but all organised. thanks..lot of money isn't it? And no way I could have 2 months off work. But I have had other operations and gone back to work way quicker than told. Just don't lift things etc. Good luck with better eating this week. You are going great with your gym work.
LOL at Piggy McPig, me too! Must be something in the air. I don't need a tummy tuck but could do with a boob reduction, costs about the same I think. Yikes. Have a great week!
wow you had a bit of a work out there and a late night, i was a piggy all last week By Baby Bump Wanted, at 12:16 pm
That's actually a lot less than I thought it would be. If I only had one surgery choice it would have to be that, or to get the girls lifted. LOL.
Hey at least you ran to the caf... haha... extra cal burning ;)
stewed plums...mmmm!!! You could add a few drops of cognac essense you know and they would turn yummier! Mmm, the plums w/ chair spices sound delish! I'm into the idea of getting my teeth fixed soon too but I've got to start saving. I hope your week is going well!? Maybe not so much time off is needed for sitting at pc jobs. Working in restaurants or cafes or shops can mean carrying things, and a lot of bending or getting laybys off top shelves etc. then again maybe sickness benefits or somethign might be possible. whatever, it is heartening to know these tucks are coming down in price and getting more professional all the time. the yearly food bill could be cheaper at 75kg. Iguess a lot of us are spending what we save in food on the gym or on some health diet treats or extra vegies. But we probably will save a lot of money on having less health problems over the next few years. So the tummy tuck starts to look not so expensive after all. I guess they are also getting really great at doing them by now also. By 1:14 am , at
::5.2.06:: Makeover Expo The Makeover Expo was brilliant. So glad I went. I met up with Jadey and her mum (sorry Jadey, I've forgotten your mum's name) who are both heaps of fun. First off we went to a seminar on how to dress with style. The woman had some interesting stuff to say, including using Jadey to demonstrate how to draw attention to your boobs! Well maybe it wasn't quite like that. Then we went around all the exhibitors. It didn't look like a lot but there was heaps to keep us interested and lots of freebies. My favourite giveaway bag was from the dentists - it had a tube of toothpaste, a dental floss business card and a disposable camera! I found out heaps about dentistry - eg. it's expensive and about tummy tucks - not as expensive as I thought. I also had my nails buffed so they are nice and shiny instead of covered in half-chipped polish like they usually are. We entered about a thousand competitions so the junk email will be coming in heavy for the next few weeks! We had lunch (and a much needed coffee) then watched the pole dancing demonstration. Later, I had a chat to the pole dancing girls about the hen's night I'm organising. In an amazing synchronisitic moment, just after I left the hen-to-be sent me a text asking if I thought pole dancing would be fun for the hen's night. Freaky. Got some photos before we left - us with our loot. I still haven't finished my camera but I'll post them eventually.
I love free stuff, even if it is just junk mail!
Looks like you had a fantastic day...I'll have to go to it next year. Can't wait to see the photos :) Sounds like you had a great day! Oh and I love freebies too! Have a terrific week! Sounds like a great day. I love freebies too! Pole dancing must be meant to be for the hen's night! Expos generally wouldn't be my thing, but this one sounded like fun. Keen to see pics, I bet you're smaller than in the last one!! By CaramelKitKat, at 8:33 am Sounds like a fantastic day! Love free stuff! By philippa_moore, at 8:50 am WOW hope they have that expo here. I will be there like a shot. What a fun afternoon. I especially like the opportunity to have an 'expert' help explain how to dress to highlight certain features. Wonder if I could do that for my elbows ;D i so wanted to go to that, but bloody work got in the way...nut so glad that u had a good time, cant wait to see the pics
Glad to hear you had such a good day - will keep an eye out to see if it may come to our side of the world. What a fun day! Really looking forward to seeing the photos too :-)
sounds like fun,I'm hanging out for the photos By 4:22 pm , atI need to know more about the tummy tucks...were they very expensive?...you never know one might come in handy one day. Glad you had a good day. I have never heard of a makeover expo.
You know neither Mum or I got that camera either - You are the only one!! Lucky girl!
::4.2.06:: Wish Jeans Even though I've been losing weight, my measurements have been staying the same. How annoying is that? So, a while back, I bought my wish jeans - a pair of size 12 jeans that I want to fit into - and I've periodally been trying them on and measuring the centimetres needed to fit into them. Last time I tried, it was 23 cm. Today it was 10 cm. How does that happen when my waist and hip measurements have stayed basically the same? The only thing I can think of is that my belly fat is getting more jiggly and easily compressed. Kinda like if you have 12 oranges in a bag made out of some firmish, shape holding fabric then you took out some oranges, the size of the bag stays the same. Until you take out all the oranges and the bag kinda collapses on itself and goes all saggy --- arrrrgghhh! Don't want to think about that. So yeah, with only 10 cms needed to get the wish jeans done up, I did the old lay on the bed trick. I got them zipped and buttoned! Sure I had the muffin top to end all muffin tops, but I go them on. *** I'm not one for fancy cooking, but I thought I'd post my new favourite dinner recipe. Kathryn's "I've just run my butt off at the gym and now I'm too stuffed to cook dinner" salad Half a bag of prepared salad mix from Coles (get the cheap Farmland one) Half a small tin of 4 bean mix A tomato chopped up all rustic, Jamie Oliver style Some chicken slices - get the Farmland chicken breast supreme, it's as good as Weight Watchers and cheaper One of those little cheeses from the pick and mix cheese thing at Coles Chuck it all in a bowl and add balsamic vinegar. Easy, peasy lemon squeezy and it's got all your vegies, carbs and protein. I think I'll be eating that for dinner often.
How good did it feel to get them done up??! I hope you danced around the room! By CaramelKitKat, at 12:20 pm
I’m with ya on the muffin top ~ I’m rocking my own! But even though you did the little metaphor thing I still think it'd be amazing to have only 10cms left!! Like Caramel said how great did it feel to get them done up? AND size 12 to boot. nice.
I use those salad bags too as a base .. I buy the one from Woolies, has different lettuces, cubed cheese and cherry tomatoes already in it. I then add 1/4 avocado, an egg and a small can of tuna or for a change 1/4 breast of cooked chicken. I then put the "free" ceasar dressing on it, so easy and .. YUMMO! By 4:12 pm , at
Hey Kathryn, congratulations on being able to do the wish jeans up. i agree on the measurement thing, it is hard to tell sometimes when you pull the tape tighter or looser, but you can tell with clothes. fitting into a nice pair of jeans is a great incentive for me also. i love wearing jeans lately, after 4 years of leggings with a skirt on top. i found some cute opshop jackets and loosish tshirts to help hide the "muffin top". Plus i cut the band on the sides of one pair of jeans to allow a little extra space at the waistline, and wore a tshirt over the top. i went out to see i mean listen to Henry Rollins the other night, and it felt so easy to just put on a pair of jeans, tshirt and boots and feel comfortable and relaxed. By 6:56 pm , at
I can definitely relate to your wish jean story and now that I am at goal, I still can't fit into mine properly! I decided it doesn't matter now LOL but yay for getting into yours!
well done on the jeans woohoo and the loss thats such a great effort. By Baby Bump Wanted, at 9:17 pm weights a funny game huh...i swear i've been pretty on it with the sit ups and yeh, i think my stomach is bigger than its ever been...go figure, i love the quick salad isea, gone off it a bit but may have one tomorrow...be well :) good on you for getting those jeans done up. I have the same problem with the wobbly tummy. Measurements don't shift much but I fit into smaller clothes......... It i squite achalleneg to do the 14.7 fun run isn't it but good to have something to aim for.
Not long now and those jeans will be fitting like a glove.
omg, it must have felt fantastic to get 12s done up!!!!!
Whooo hooo for the pants being closer. I do think that the stomach gets a bit more squishy and easier to manipulate in clothing. Well, that's happening with me anyway.
::3.2.06:: Weigh In - 77.6 kg Weigh in today. I was disappointed then I realised it was a 0.8 loss. That's not so shabby. My eating hasn't been so good this week - a chocolate chip cookie here, a wagon wheel there. I need to make sure I have enough fruit to last week so these other things don't creep in. Not too shabby at all!! Congrat's :o) You are well in the 70's now.
Not in the least bit shabby, yay you! By CaramelKitKat, at 9:02 am
Well done on another loss. No way that's shabby!!
Fantastic, .8 is not shabby at all, any loss is good, anything over 500g is something to be dancing about 'dance, NOW!' Whoo hoo - what a loss!! Go you!! By philippa_moore, at 4:57 pm Fantastic loss babe, well done! 800 grams is great - I've finally got into the habit of taking a week's worth of fruit to work on a Monday - sure helps stop the snacking! A wagon wheel? Okay, I'm going to assume this is some sort of treat I've never heard of, because I hear wood is really hard on the digestive system :) By Jennette Fulda, at 5:35 am Gee you are getting so close to your goal. Way to go on the determination front. Congrats on the loss Kathryn. That is fantastic. Hearting all those muscles is obviously paying off LOL
::2.2.06:: Tired Omg, you should see my bicep. It's huge. I keep flexing my arm to check it out. All my pushups are paying off. I heart muscles, especially when they are mine. I went to the gym tonight - did 40 mins on the treadmill (plus warm up and cool down) and ran for 35 mins of those 40. Only thing is I need to remember to leave some energy in reserve for walking home from the train station! I was stuffed. I think I felt it more cos normally I grab a sushi roll after the gym but tonight I had to rush because I had 5 minutes before my train ticket expired. I also walked this morning. My car is dodg-a-rama because the left driver's wheel bearing is stuffed (do I sound like I know stuff or what) so I decided to catch the train but, because I'm working in the suburbs, I worked out the most time efficient plan. This won't make any sense if you don't live in Melbourne but I walked to Clifton Hill station to get the express train then got off at Jolimont, walked around the MCG to Richmond station and caught the outbound train there. Saved myself much stuffing around with the city loop and got some exercise in the process. My temp contract finished today after 2 days. I have a problem with temp work, I feel. I'm too good. Seriously. It bugs me that I'll do the job in half the time they are expecting yet I get paid the same rate as a temp who drags the work out the full time. I could slack off but I hate that. I'd rather work fast and not get bored. I'm a bit over it all anyway. I have a few job possiblities at the moment but they are all airy-fairy. I want things worked out. I want a routine. I want to know what I'm doing from one day to the next so I can slot in all the other things - school and gym and stuff - around it. I also want the income. This poverty thing is getting boring. Hopefully I'll have it all sorted in the next week or so and I can whinge about how much I hate my job instead ... hahaha.
i heart biceps also but when i 'flex'in front of hubbie, he thinks its his god given right to grab the chicken wing underneath thus destroying my illusions that I am the Termanitor II chickie. (one day right?).
The transport made perfect sense - clever you - I hate the loop, never seemed to work for me. By CaramelKitKat, at 12:48 am
Those biceps must be allowing you to finish your work even faster! We'll have to start calling you 'Muscles of Melbourne' RAn for 35 mins. I am in awe!!!!!!!! Good luck with the next job. *drool* I am really liking chick muscles LOL. Good luck with working out a solution to your job situation atm. Are you looking for part time or full time? I'll see if there's anything going at my work in the Melbourne Office. They employ writer/reader/transcriber types to do just that. Read, analyse etc. I'll email you when I look at the job list on Monday.
::1.2.06:: Resolutions Revisited Since it's the first of Feb, I thought it might be worth checking back on my NY resolutions. Health: Well I'm getting closer to my goal weight. I'm not sure of the total lost for Jan but it's definitely slowed down. I've been doing more weights and working on that stuff too. Running 5 km - well I ran 3 km, that's more than halfway! When my friend Simon comes home for a flying visit in March, we are going to go for a run together. I am going to beat him! Diabetes stuff - oops. I've been awful slack on this. Get a massage once a month - damn, I didn't. I tried to book in for one the other day at the gym but I didn't know what was happening work wise. Maybe I'll just have to do two this month. Appearance and Self Image: Well I went to the shrink yesterday and we had a good session. She is going to work out a plan for me and we doing an initial 6 weeks. She was lovely and I think I'll enjoy working with her. And I did have the best tee shirt at the Big Day Out - that's a definite boost! I still need to organise health insurance so I can get dental work done. Work/Career: I found out today I got into my Writing and Editing course. Woohoo! I was pretty confident I would, but didn't want to count any chickens. Now I can go to Smiggle and buy nice new stationary (or is it stationery - always get that one confused). My plans have kind of changed for this year - I still want to finish my novel plus I have ideas for two new projects that are really exciting. Much to do. I also need a job to pay the bills. There is one opportunity in the air that is perfect but I don't want to say too much. Finances: Ha ha ha! I'm scraping by, I guess that's something. Living Environment: Still crap. Friends/Social Life: I haven't done any of the classes I said I'd do and I'm not sure. With all my other plans plus work and gym, I dunno if I'll have the time. Relationships: I went on one date. That's a start. I'd give myself about a B for January. Some things take more time than others and I think I need to work on getting the balance right in my life. Arrgghh and I missed out on the zoo fun run tonight. Damn Melbourne weather - it's supposed to be summer not raining.
What a great idea to re-visit your NY resolutions - most people make them and forget about them.
And I always remember that cArs are stationAry LOL. The things we are taught at school.
Congrats on getting into the course Kathryn - Where is it?
I remember stationary the same as M, (cars). oh please give beck a massive hug for me! i miss her : P but there is noone you want to go to a beauty expert more than with beck - she rox at that stuff! I think that you did very well and I would definitely give you a B plus! You did heaps well : } ooh! and a sticker! By 11:52 pm , athow scary is it...feb already, seems like u sure took some good steps in this first month....and theres still 11 month of the year to go...go u
I always remember stationEry and lEtters go together? Hope that helps you! I have major trouble with affect and effect. My remembering trick is that you get stationery from a stationer!
Excellent way to digest eactly what you have done and what you havent. By The Candid Bandit, at 2:12 pm
Well done with everything. You're very positive and it's great to hear about the course too. I look forward to hearing about your novel also. I seem to be surrounded by writers atm :-) I am studying a Sub Editing course this year myself, whoot!
stats:current weight: start weight: total loss: goal weight:
measurements:boobs: 100 cm waist: 81 cm hips: 109 cm thighs: 50 cm
Weekly Goal Lifestyle Changing Challenge-A-RamaWeek 1 - Drink more water Week 2 - Cut out sugary treats *